[[분류:스위스의 대학]][[분류:1834년 개교]][[분류:더 길드]] || [[파일:베른대 아이콘.png|width=22]] {{{#000,#fff '''베른 대학교 관련 틀'''}}} || || {{{#black,#white {{{#!folding [ 펼치기 · 접기 ] [include(틀:스위스의 대학)] [include(틀:The Guild 소속 대학)]}}}}}} || ---- ||<-3> {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [[파일:1200px-Logo_Universität_Bern.svg.png|width=277]]}}} || ||<-3><#000> {{{#fff '''대학 정보'''}}} || ||<-3><#262626> {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" {{{#white {{{-2 '''언어별 명칭'''}}}}}}}}} || ||<-2> [[한국어|{{{#black,#white 한국어}}}]] || {{{#black,#white '''베른 대학교'''}}} || ||<-2> [[독일어|{{{#black,#white 독일어}}}]] || {{{#black,#white '''Universität Bern'''}}} || ||<-2> [[프랑스어|{{{#black,#white 프랑스어}}}]] || Université de Berne || ||<-2> [[영어|{{{#black,#white 영어}}}]] || University of Bern || ||<-2> [[라틴어|{{{#black,#white 라틴어}}}]] || ''Universitas Bernensis'' || ||<-2> '''분류''' || 공립대학 || ||<-2> '''설립''' || [[1834년]] || ||<-2> '''소재지''' || [include(틀:국기, 국명=스위스, 크기=22)] [[베른]] {{{-2 (Hochschulstrasse 6, 3012 Bern, Switzerland)}}} || ||<-2> '''총장'''[* Rector] || [[https://www.unibe.ch/university/organization/executive_board_and_central_administration/rector_s_office/prof_dr_leumann_christian/index_eng.html|{{{#black,#white Christian Leumann}}}]] || ||<|2> '''교직원''' || '''교원''' || 578명 || || '''행정직''' || 1,782명 ^^(2019)^^ || ||<-2> '''재학생''' || 18,576명 ^^(2019 / 2020)^^ || ||<-2> '''대표 교색''' || {{{#!wiki style="display: inline; padding: 4px 5px; border-radius: 5px 15px; background: #d6002b; font-size: .8em" {{{#fff  '''ROT''' {{{-1 (#D6002B)}}} }}}}}} || ||<-2><|2> '''링크''' || [[https://www.unibe.ch/index_eng.html|[[파일:베른대 아이콘.png|width=20]] {{{#black,#white '''공식 홈페이지'''}}}]] || ||<#fff,#1f2023> [[https://www.linkedin.com/school/university-of-bern/|[[파일:LinkedIn 아이콘.svg|width=19]]]] | [[https://www.facebook.com/UniBern/|[[파일:페이스북 아이콘.svg|width=19]]]] | [[https://www.instagram.com/universitaetbern/|[[파일:인스타그램 아이콘.svg|width=19]]]] | [include(틀:트위터 로고, 링크=unibern, 크기=19)] | [[https://www.youtube.com/c/unibern|[[파일:유튜브 아이콘.svg|width=19]]]] || ||<-3> {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [include(틀:지도, 장소=University of Bern, 너비=100%, 높이=100%)]}}} || ||<-3> '''위치''' || || [[파일:베른 대학교 로고.png|width=77%]] || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [[파일:a7705f68-d597-439c-ac73-d5a854cda6c1_1.jpg|width=100%]]}}} || [목차] [clearfix] == 소개 == ||<-2> {{{#white '''대학 홍보 영상'''}}} || ||<-2> {{{#!wiki style="padding: -5px 5px; background-image: linear-gradient(to right, FFFFFF); margin: 0 -10px" {{{#000,#white {{{#!folding [ 펼치기 · 접기 ] || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube(Ahlse_WM0P8, height=280)]}}} || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube(Kq1UI0pbY2k, height=280)]}}} || || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube(tujFAN9ZsdU, height=280)]}}} || {{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [youtube(1JOAO8kBp0U, height=280)]}}} || }}}}}}}}} || [[스위스]] [[베른]]에 위치한 공립대학교로 베른 칸톤(주, 州) 주정부에 의해 운영되고 있다. 재학생 기준 스위스에서 세번째로 큰 대학이다. == 학과 구성 == || {{{#d6002b,#white {{{#!folding [ 펼치기 · 접기 ] || * '''신학대학''' (Faculty of Theology) * Institute of Old Testament Studies * Institute for New Testament Studies * Institute of Jewish Studies * Institute of Historical Theology * Institute of Systematic Theology * Institute of Practical Theology * Institute of Empirical Religious Research * Institute of Old Catholic Theology ---- * '''법과대학''' (Faculty of Law) * Department of Legal Theory and History of Law * Institute for the History of Law * Institute of Roman Law * Department of Public Law * Institute of Public Law * Center for Health Law and Management * Department of ‌Private Law * Institute of Banking Law * Institute for Private International Law and Civil Procedure * Institute for Liability and Insurance Law * Institute of Notary Law and Practice * Institute for Civil Law * Department of Penal Law * Institute for Penal Law and Criminology * Department of Economic Law * Institute of Tax Law * Institute of European and International Economic Law * Institute for Economic Law * Center for the Law of Innovation and Competition ---- * '''경영 및 사회과학대학''' (Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences) * Department of ‌Business Administration * Institute of Financial Management * Institute of Marketing ‌and Management * Institute of Organization and Human Resource Management * Institute for Accounting and Controlling * Institute of Information Systems * Department of ‌Economics * Department of Social Sciences * Institute of Sociology * Institute of Communication and Media Studies (icmb) * Institute of Political Science ---- * '''의과대학''' (Faculty of Medicine) ---- * '''수의과대학'''(Vetsuisse Faculty) * Department of Clinical ‌Veterinary Science * Department of Infectious Diseases and Pathobiology (DIP) * Department of Clinical Research and ‌Veterinary Public Health (DCR-VPH) ---- * '''인문대학''' (Faculty of Humanities) * Department of History and Archeology * Department of Art ‌and Cultural Sciences * Department of Linguistics ‌and Literary Studies * Walter Benjamin Kolleg * Center for Global Studies (CGS) * Center for the Study of Language and Society (CSLS) * Digital Humanities * Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Research Network (IPN) * Graduate School of the Arts and Humanities (GSAH) * 학제간 연구그룹 (Interdisciplinary Unities) * Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies * Interdisciplinary Research Program in Jewish Studies * Eastern European Studies Bern-Fribourg ---- * '''인문과학대학''' (Faculty of Human Sciences) * Institute of Educational Science * Institute of Psychology * Institute of Sport Science * 학제간 연구그룹 (Interdisciplinary Unities) * Doctoral Program Brain and Behavioral Sciences ---- * '''자연과학대학'''(Faculty of Science) * Mathematics, Statistics and Informatics * Mathematical Institute * Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Actuarial Science * Institute of Computer Science * Department of Mathematics and Statistics * Physics and Astronomy * Department of Physics and Astronomy * Astronomical Institute * Institute of Applied Physics * Institute for Theoretical Physics * Physics Institute * Chemistry and Biochemistry * Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences * Department of Biology * Institute of Cell Biology * Institute of Ecology and Evolution * Institute of Plant Sciences * Interfaculty Bioinformatics Unit * Geosciences * Institute of Geological Sciences * Institute of Geography || }}}}}} || == 출신 인물 == '''가나다''' 순으로 정렬할 것. === 동문 === * [[게오르크 폰 베케시]] (Georg von Békésy) - 1961년 [[노벨생리학·의학상]] 수상자. * [[김정철]] - 북한 [[김정일]]의 차남. [[김정은]]의 동복형. * [[에밀 테오도어 코허]] (Emil Theodor Kocher) - 1909년 [[노벨생리학·의학상]] 수상자. * [[존 르카레]] (John le Carré) * [[찰스 앨버트 고바트]] (Charles Albert Gobat) - 1902년 [[노벨평화상]] 수상자. * [[쿠르트 뷔트리히]] (Kurt Wüthrich) - 2002년 [[노벨화학상]] 수상자. == 교원 == * [[폴 너스]] (Paul Nurse) - 2001년 [[노벨생리학·의학상]] 수상자. 본 대학에서 연구원으로 재직.