||<-2> '''{{{+1 소피미희}}}[br]KIM Sophie Mihie CARON | 카흥 소피미희''' || ||<-2> {{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -10px" [[이미지:소피미희4.jpg]]}}} || || '''본명''' ||카흥 소피미희{{{-3 (KIM Sophie Mihie CARON)}}}|| || '''출생''' ||[[2007년]] [[7월 8일]] || || '''국적''' ||[[대한민국 |[[파일:대한민국 국기.svg|width=30]]]] [[대한민국]] [[+]] [[https://thewiki.kr/w/%EC%BA%90%EB%82%98%EB%8B%A4|[[파일:캐나다 국기.png|width=30]]]] [[캐나다]][* 이중국적]|| || '''신체''' ||166cm, ??kg, 혈액형 A형 || || '''가족''' || 엄마, 아빠, 꽃지[* 반려견]|| || '''학력[* 초등/중학교 검정고시]''' ||초등학교 {{{-2 (졸업)}}}[br]중학교 {{{-2 (졸업)}}}[br]고등학교 {{{-2 (재학중)}}}|| || '''종교''' ||[[무교]]|| || '''직업''' ||고등학생|| || '''소속''' ||키즈모델|| || '''MBTI''' ||[[https://thewiki.kr/w/ESTJ|ESTJ]][* J와 P가 반반이다]|| || '''별명''' ||'''김슬개'''[* 오른쪽 슬개골이 탈구 되어 생긴 별명] 소피냥이[* 굉장히 사실적으로 표현한 별명]|| [목차] [clearfix] == 개요 == 2007년생 몬트리올 출생으로 캐나다 아버지 한국 어머니 사이에서 태어난 혼혈. here is her national anthem: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hogn0qkYrs|anthem]] == 이름 유래 == 소피마르소와 장미희의 이름을 합쳐 소피미희로 이름을 짓게 된 것이다. == 출연 작품 == === 광고 === || [[쉐보레]] 올란도 자동차 || || [[금호아시아나]] || || [[아침에쥬스]] || || [[KT올레]] || || [[파리바게뜨]] || || [[오뚜기]] || || [[베스킨라빈스]] || || [[기아자동차K7]] || || [[르꼬끄]] || || [[베가북스]] || || [[브르뎅]] || || [[포키]] || || [[헬로키티아동복]] || 그외 많은 지면광고에서도 두각을 나타내고 있는 광고계의 유망주였다.[* 과거의 영광] === 키즈 프로그램 === || [[TVN네버랜드 레인보우유치원]] || || [[EBS방귀대장 뿡뿡이]] || || [[EBS춤추는 곰 보보]] || || [[KBS TV유치원 파니파니]] || || [[EBS 한 그릇 뚝딱]] || == 논란 == [[https://thewiki.kr/w/%EB%AC%B8%ED%98%84%EC%9A%B0|문현우]]의 사상에 동조하려는 움직임이 있다. == 주변인들과의 관계 == [[https://thewiki.kr/w/%EB%AC%B8%ED%98%84%EC%9A%B0|문현우]] * 2021년 12월 21일, 한 디스코드 서버에서 [[https://thewiki.kr/w/%EB%AC%B8%ED%98%84%EC%9A%B0|문현우]]를 처음 만나 리그오브레전드 전선에서 함께 투쟁하였다. * 이들은 크리스마스를 기념하기 위해 서로 편지를 주고 받으며 친해졌다. * 문현우의 사상은 소피와 이어져 있지 않다. [[https://thewiki.kr/w/%EB%A5%98%EC%83%81%ED%98%B8|류상호]] * 2021년, 한 디스코드 서버에서 누군가의 의한 초대에 의해 만나 친해졌다. * 김소피는 [[https://thewiki.kr/w/%EB%A5%98%EC%83%81%ED%98%B8|류상호]]를 싫어한다. [* 맨날 짜증난다고 함] * 김소피에 의하여 한 스트리머에게 입덕하게 되었다. * 김소피에 의해 좋은 친구들을 많이 얻었다. == 여담 == 영어 불어 한국어가 유창하다. 태권도 3단 Is she so pretty and beautiful? (4점)[* 저기 니 여친 지나간다 ㅋㅋ] 코가 굉장하다.[* [[https://thewiki.kr/w/%EC%BC%80%EC%9D%B8(%EC%9D%B8%ED%84%B0%EB%84%B7%20%EB%B0%A9%EC%86%A1%EC%9D%B8)|케인인님]]] == Jamal == Whoever deleted this before fuck you She is jamal because we all think that she can be jamal. But can she tho? This could be a very controversial debate topic, but I am pretty sure that we would end up with the conclusion that she is indeed on of the jamals out there. According to the Lumber Jumber 69 document from the CSGO:CIA from the United States, the robux cube has turned the Yellowstone park into the jamal park and now the security is willing to send them to the court and have a legal proceeding with them. Do we know if this is going to work? No, because anything about jamal is very unstable and can be altered very easily. This was proven by the unreliable jamal theory, also known as UJT created by Albert Einstein in the 2000 BC under the rule of Madame Roca. Our ultimate goal is to find the eventual terminating jamal that would end our universe, therefore we are going to attain the liberation from our existence. Of course, this all ties with the upcoming Jamalism christian rock group, the Shitters 9000. The Shitters 9000 have seen to be well over experienced with sharing Jamals secrets to Sophie. Although this is a debatable topic, the International Fortnite Agency has already fact checked this information. This is because they were able to use the negative time robux cube, and go back to the Ark: Survival Evolved map "Aberration", where many "AberrationHomoFucks" can be seen. These creatures excrete a secret juice called the "swaus", which can be used alongside "Sawg", where we all can 360 OOGA BOOGA BOOGA. Through this proceedure, the can we tell us that "Retardation is nature", as the quote from Hoshino Neugeumma in 69420 AD. Undoubtedly, the current tension between the Shitters 9000 and the Peanut Butter Jamboree a newly formed rival band comprised entirely of sentient AI toasters is palpable, and surely fits into the wider narrative of Jamaldom. Let's be honest, those toasters are only hopping on the bandwagon because their combined IQ was no match for a single member of the Shitters 9000. In an unprecedented show of defiance, the PB&J, as they are fondly called by their adoring fans, produced a new hit song, "Crusty Loaf Anthem", which directly challenges the Jamal-centric philosophy of the Shitters 9000. Using the 'Peanut Power,' the PB&J were even capable of reversing the effects of the robux cube and morphed the famed Yellowstone Jamal Park back into its original form. Will this attempt to 'de-Jamalize' Yellowstone spark a counter-response from the Shitters 9000? No one can say for sure, but you can bet that the International Llama Lingo League will be monitoring the situation closely. At the heart of this epic inter-band battle, however, remains the underlying quest for the elusive 'Giga-Jamal,' rumored to exist in the arcane caverns of Minecrafts newest update: the 'Jamal-Saga'. The only known information about the Giga-Jamal comes from the ancient texts of Redditticus 9000, which states, "In the land of Minecraftia, beyond the Sea of Swaus, lies the sacred Giga-Jamal, holder of the true essence of SAWG." Despite the prevailing skepticism, many believe that the ultimate destiny of Jamalism is to seek and acquire this divine Giga-Jamal. Meanwhile, Dr. Spork, a renowned anthropologist and part-time Waffle House server, firmly stands by his controversial theory that Fortnite is actually an allegorical representation of humanity's struggle against the tyranny of vacuum cleaners. As he once eloquently put it, "When you're stuck in a loop of Dusty Divots and Tomato Towns, the only way to fight back is with a Boogie Bomb and a bit of Macarena." == Elon == Ok so the electronics industry actually has access to the multiverse using the pcb chips that are used hence the name pcb for portal creation base and they use these portals to go to the electric world where they can travel in the multiverse the only reason why this is not known is because all of the electrical engineers are all fake identities created my elon musk to win the mega millions jackpot for the 200th time and we know this because he already has 200 billion dollars collected from different multiverses and he actually clones himself in every world he visits and harvests the mega millions jackpot and because of that we actually know that there is a elonverse where everyone is elon but the weight of this elonverse is actually so strong that the observable universe would collapse into a giant black void and we need to prevent this because if there is a black void the homeless will start feeding off if it and become void monsters and that causes 2 problems with one being that we will be invaded by void creatures but also that the food companies will go bankrupt because people can get free food from the void and that causes a domino effect meaning that there will be no more papa johns pizza to be made and as we all know it this will anger the racist papa johns which will cause him to become a godzilla and take over the world.