[include(틀:상위 문서, top1=월드 워 Z: 애프터매스/패치 노트)] [각주][include(틀:문서 가져옴, title=월드 워 Z: 애프터매스/패치 노트, version=26, paragraph=2.4)] [include(틀:월드 워 Z: 애프터매스)] [include(틀:월드 워 Z: 애프터매스/패치 노트)] [목차] == 개요 == 월드 워 Z GOTY Edition의 컨텐츠 추가 업데이트 및 패치 노트를 정리한 문서이다. === 2020년 5월 5일 (GOTY Edition) === ||<:>[youtube(94xXUUrc7ZY)] || ||<:>{{{#C5311C '''World War Z - Game of the Year Edition Launch Trailer''' }}}|| ==== 개요 ==== ==== 요약 ==== ====# 변경사항 #==== > {{{#!folding [ 원문 보기 ] * New Features * Added Marseille Episode DLC with 3 new levels, its own story and 4 new characters (included for Season Pass owners) * Added Last Aid weapon skin pack DLC (included for Season Pass owners) * Weapons * Added new Classic Bullpup Rifle and its variants to all levels for all players * AI * Zombies are no longer able to pull a player down when he is standing above the pyramid * UI * Minor UI and localization fixes * Stability * Fixed several gameplay crashes * Levels * Fixed some gameplay bugs that were causing inability to progress in levels * Virus Sample is now easier to pick up in some levels * General Fixes * Fixed issue with Thumper Grenade Launcher showing that it gains XP * Defusing Claymores will add a Claymore to your inventory if you’re using them as your class equipment * Fixed issue with BF25 heavy sniper rifle dealing more damage than expected in PvP (PvE is unaffected) * Hailstorm MGL and Thumper GL grenades will now produce noise and will break stealth * Virus Sample no longer drops from Bomber in Horde Mode}}} === 2020년 5월 25일 (Stability Patch) === ==== 개요 ==== ==== 요약 ==== ====# 변경사항 #==== > {{{#!folding [ 원문 보기 ] * Stability * Fixed critical memory leak that was causing a lot of crashes on Marseille maps. It is a temporary fix and more fixes are coming * Fixed black render artifacts appearing on dark levels * Levels * Fixed some gameplay bugs that were causing inability to progress in levels * General Fixes * Fixed issue that made several unique weapon variants free for everyone * Imposing Arsenal trophy no longer requires unique weapon variants to be purchased * Restored unique Thumper GL variant price back to 500 * Fixed issue with Auto Turret placement that was launching players up in the air * Improved performance in the last segment of Marseille maps 2 and 3}}} === 2020년 6월 11일 (Stability Patch) === ==== 개요 ==== ==== 요약 ==== ====# 변경사항 #==== > {{{#!folding [ 원문 보기 ] "Survivors! A small stability patch has just been released on all platforms, resolving some rendering issues, as well as a number of crashes on the Marseille maps."}}} === 2020년 7월 22일 (Dronemaster Update) === ||<:>[youtube(KR-shP-0fSQ)] || ||<:>{{{#C5311C '''World War Z - Dronemaster Update''' }}}|| ==== 개요 ==== ==== 요약 ==== ====# 변경사항 #==== > {{{#!folding [ 원문 보기 ] * New Features * Added new “Dronemaster” specialization with its own ability, perk tree and prestige rewards * Added full crossplay support with other platforms * Added crossplay invite system via codes * Added user ban and report system * Added Signature weapon skin pack DLC (free for Season Pass owners) * Weapons * Added new ACW-20 weapon with its own upgrades * Added upgrades for Revolver * Added upgrades for Double-Barreled Shotgun * Adjusted how much ammo certain weapons drain from ammo crates * All semi-auto and burst weapons drain 20% less ammo from crates * Crossbow drains 50% less ammo from crates * Classic Battle Rifle drains 50% more ammo from crates * All SMGs drain 10% less ammo from crates * All pistols (except Revolver) drain 25% less ammo from crates * Rebalanced specialization perks * Gunslinger * Impact Grenades: Frag Grenades explode on impact. They deal 100% more damage but have a 50% smaller explosion radius (previously, Frag Grenades exploded on impact without damage boost). * Power Nap: Unequipped weapon automatically reloads after 7 seconds (up from 10 seconds) * Heavy Metal: Start with an improved MAG5 Machinegun that deals 50% (up from 25%) more damage, and has 50% (up from 25%) more ammo. All MAG5 Machinegun pickups also improved. * Sleight of Hand: Switch weapons 150% faster (up from 100%) * Replaced “Last Resort” perk (while both primary and secondary weapon magazines are dry, you can perform 4 more melee strikes without fatigue and damage 2 more targets with each melee strike) * with Concentration: Killing zombies consecutively with only headshots grants a temporary health boost * Rage Mode: When pinned down by common or special zombies, you will automatically stand up and push your attackers back (this previously included only common zombies) * Replaced “Desperado” perk (pistol damage increased by 25%) with Action Hero: When you are the last member of your team still standing you gain infinite ammo for 7 seconds * Free Refill: Restore 3% (up from 2%) of primary weapon ammo for each kill made with equipment * Replaced “Pickpocket” perk (killing 10 zombies in rapid succession refills one equipment charge) * with Pocket Factory: You won't be able to pick up equipment bags on the mission, but your equipment will be constantly regenerating * Replaced “Eagle Eye” perk (50% chance to refill one Frag Grenade by killing special zombies with a headshot) * with Headhunter Reward: Killing 10 zombies consecutively with headshots refills one equipment charge * Switcheroo: Switching to primary or secondary weapons increases firearm damage by 50% for 5 seconds (up from 3 seconds) * Thrifty: Reloading a weapon with less than 25% ammo in the magazine provides a 50% (up from 35%) firearm damage boost for 3 seconds (up from 5 seconds) * Hellraiser * Here Kitty: C4 will attract zombies for 5 seconds after being planted but can kill 35% less targets (previously there was no negative effect). * Reworked “Welcome Mat” perk: Triggered Claymores will attract zombies for 3 seconds before explosion. * Green Fingered: Planting speed of Claymores is increased by 50%. There is a 25% (up from 10%) chance to plant a Claymore at no cost to your equipment. * Unshakable: Self-inflicted explosive damage is reduced by 100% (up from 90%) * Predator: Killing zombies with explosives boosts firearm damage by 50% for 10 seconds (previously this perk was “killing special zombies boosts firearm damage by 100% for 10 seconds”) * Medic * Pick Me Up: When you revive a teammate, both of you gain a temporary health boost (previously the health boost was only for your teammate) * Efficiency: 30% (down from 35%) chance of using a Medkit without depleting your supply * Pickpocket: Killing 10 zombies in rapid succession refills one equipment charge. Cooldown is 20 seconds (down from 30 seconds). * Replaced “What Was In That?” perk (Stim Pistol effect gives additional melee strikes without fatigue) * with Emergency Rescue: When your health drops below 25%, you gain temporary health * Adrenaline: Reload speed increased by 50% when health is below 35% (up from 25% health) * Fixer * Armory: Using a Supply Bag gives a 20% chance to restore one equipment charge, but the bag owner can only restore his equipment when someone else gains this benefit from his bag. Thus, as a Fixer you can still gain this perk’s benefit, but you cannot (and don't have to) place a lot of half-empty ammo bags to gain the benefit. * Swapped positions of the “Stand by Me,” “Give’Em Hell” and “Paramedic” perks in the perk columns for better balance * One for the Road: Maximum Masking Grenade and Supply Bag capacity increased to 2. However, Masking Grenade effect duration is decreased by 2 seconds and Supply Bag contains 25% less explosive ammo (previously there were no negative effects) * Under the Table: Anyone entering a Masking Grenade gas cloud restores 10% (down from 20%) of their primary weapon ammo * Armory: Your Supply Bags can be used 1 additional time before depleting (previous version of this perk was Supply Bags contain 25% more explosive ammo) * Shadow Walker: Masking Grenade effect duration increased by 2 seconds (down from 3) * Darkness Falls: Masking Grenade gas cloud duration is increased by 7 seconds (up from 5) * Slasher * Rooted: You can never be pinned down by common zombies (previously, this perk prevented players from being pinned down by up to 12 common zombies) * High Voltage: Stun Gun damage increased by 150% (up from 100%) * With My Last Breath: Melee Strikes damage 2 additional targets when health is below 35% (up from 25% health) * Adrenaline: Reload speed increased by 50% when health is below 35% (up from 25% health) * Exterminator * Hangover: Molotovs burn 75% longer (up from 50%) * Rage Mode: When pinned down by common or special zombies, you will automatically stand up and push your attackers back (this previously included only common zombies) * Rooted: You can never be pinned down by common zombies (previously, this perk prevented players from being pinned down by up to 12 common zombies) * Green Fingered: Your Claymores are rigged to explode only when there are at least 5 targets in the blast area (previously this perk increased Claymore planting speed by 50% and Claymores killed 25% more targets) * Thrifty: You won't be able to pick up equipment bags on the mission, but your equipment will constantly regenerate (previously this perk gave a 25% chance of using the Claymore or Molotov without depleting an equipment charge) * Hot Sauce: Molotov's splash damage increased by 100% (up from 50%) * Quality of Life * Difficulty matchmaking lock * Players must complete at least one level on Hard difficulty to be able to matchmake on Insane difficulty * Players must complete at least one level on Insane difficulty to be able to matchmake on Extreme difficulty * Works only in public games * Adjusted XP and Supplies rewards * EASY: XP +30%, Supplies +66% * NORMAL: XP +20%, Supplies +20% * HARD: XP +15%, Supplies +30% * EXTREME: XP -8%, Supplies -15% (offset by a single successful virus sample delivery) * Added a sprint stamina display on HUD (off by default and can be toggled on in HUD section of options) * Added option to disable crossplay from game options menu * UI * Minor UI and localization fixes * Stability * Fixed several gameplay crashes * Fixed memory fragmentation issue that was causing crashes during long sessions * Levels * Fixed some gameplay bugs that were causing inability to progress in levels * Fixed several bugs that allowed players to escape from intended gameplay areas * Improved failsafe mechanism that teleports player back to the gameplay area if he somehow falls through the ground * General Fixes * Fixed issue with players being launched into the air when building automatic turrets * Fixed animation issue with zombies killed by fire * Fixed issue with Bomber blowing up instantly even when he was properly downed while vaulting or climbing (he’ll still have to finish his current animation before being downed)}}} [[분류:월드 워 Z: 애프터매스]]