[[분류:Sia/정규 앨범]][[분류:2004년 음반]][[분류:호주의 팝 음반]] [include(틀:Sia)] {{{#!wiki style="word-break:keep-all" ||<-3> '''{{{-2 [[Sia|{{{#4f4943 시아}}}]]의 [[Sia/음반|{{{#4f4943 음반}}}]]}}}''' || || {{{#8c8c8c ←}}} ||<|2> '''{{{-1 3집}}}[br]{{{+1 ''Colour The Small One''}}}'''[br]{{{-1 (2004)}}} || {{{#8c8c8c →}}} || || {{{#8c8c8c {{{-2 2집}}}}}}[br][[Healing Is Difficult|{{{#e468a2 {{{-1 ''' ''Healing Is Difficult'' '''}}}}}}]][br]{{{#8c8c8c {{{-2 (2001)}}}}}} || {{{#8c8c8c {{{-2 라이브 1집}}}}}}[br][[Lady Croissant|{{{#000,#fff {{{-1 ''' ''Lady Croissant'' '''}}}}}}]][br]{{{#8c8c8c {{{-2 (2007)}}}}}} || ||<-6> '''{{{-2 The 3rd Studio Album}}}[br]{{{+2 ''Colour The Small One''}}}''' || ||<-6>{{{#!wiki style="margin: -6px -10px" [[파일:Colour The Small One.jpg|width=100%]]}}} || ||<-6> {{{#!wiki style="margin:0 -10px -5px; min-height:calc(1.5em + 5px)" {{{#!folding [ 보너스 트랙 버전 커버 ] {{{#!wiki style="margin:-5px -1px -11px" ||{{{#!wiki style="margin:-5px -10px" [[파일:Colour The Small One_bonus track version cover.jpg|width=100%]]}}}||}}}}}}}}} || ||<-6> {{{#!wiki style="margin:0 -10px -5px; min-height:calc(1.5em + 5px)" {{{#!folding [ 디럭스 커버 ] {{{#!wiki style="margin:-5px -1px -11px" ||{{{#!wiki style="margin:-5px -10px" [[파일:Colour The Small One_deluxe.jpg|width=100%]]}}}||}}}}}}}}} || || '''아티스트''' ||<-5> [[Sia|{{{#4f4943,#f1e7dd '''시아'''}}}]] || || '''발매일''' ||<-5> [[2004년]] [[1월 19일]] || || '''녹음일''' ||<-5> [[2003년]] ~ [[2004년]] || || '''장르''' ||<-5> [[재즈]], [[일렉트로닉 뮤직|일렉트로니카]], [[인디 팝]] || || '''길이''' ||<-5> 48:18 || || '''프로듀서''' ||<-5> 지미 호가스 || || '''레이블''' ||<-5> Astralwerks, Go! Beat || || '''발매 싱글''' ||<-5> {{{#!wiki style="margin:0 -10px -5px; min-height:calc(1.5em + 5px)" {{{#!folding [ 펼치기 · 접기 ] {{{#!wiki style="margin:-5px -1px -11px" ||[[파일:single_sign.svg|width=10]] {{{-2 [[Don't Bring Me Down]]}}} || {{{-4 2003. 11.}}} || {{{-4 [[https://youtu.be/J15Q3NtcxAs?si=GC6BEEMgagGWHvP5|♫]]}}} || ||[[파일:single_sign.svg|width=10]] {{{-2 [[Colour The Small One#Breathe Me|Breathe Me]]}}} || {{{-4 2004. 04. 19.}}} || {{{-4 [[https://youtu.be/pZ1fLkIG540?si=Ec5KKytkKWQaSLIy|♫]]}}} || ||[[파일:single_sign.svg|width=10]] {{{-2 [[Colour The Small One#Where I Belong|Where I Belong]]}}} || {{{-4 2004. 08. 09.}}} || {{{-4 [[https://youtu.be/O-CqSYYUNzo?si=f9AHsJNrAZkrytwH|♫]]}}} || ||[[파일:single_sign.svg|width=10]] {{{-2 [[Colour The Small One#Numb|Numb]]}}} || {{{-4 2005. 04. 18.}}} || {{{-4 [[https://youtu.be/VYt_pwjd7CU?si=qIgEftelVHuvx7s-|♫]]}}} || ||[[파일:single_sign.svg|width=10]] {{{-2 [[Colour The Small One#Sunday|Sunday]]}}} || {{{-4 2006. 02. 13.}}} || {{{-4 [[https://youtu.be/g-OvGzuQv0I?si=Il7g3Yx3pA0PJlLS|♫]]}}} ||}}}}}}}}} || || '''전곡 듣기''' || [[https://open.spotify.com/album/6uVUKJgirfLpW20hCk9cwb|[[파일:스포티파이 아이콘.svg|width=18]]]] || [[https://music.apple.com/nz/album/colour-the-small-one/1440800493|[[파일:Apple Music 아이콘.svg|width=18]]]] || [[https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_m_NUWAKrl7ibQFv2RYfxZMKYrQuKLX0Qs&si=PSNvnEfys09X5EDr|[[파일:유튜브 뮤직 아이콘.svg|width=18]]]] || [[https://m2.melon.com/album/music.htm?albumId=326999|[[파일:멜론 아이콘.svg|width=18]]]] || [[https://www.genie.co.kr/detail/albumInfo?axnm=15047622|[[파일:지니뮤직 아이콘.svg|width=18]]]] ||}}} [목차] [clearfix] == 개요 == || {{{#!wiki style="margin:-5px -10px" [[파일:Colour The Small One_breathe me live.gif|width=100%]]}}} || ||<#fff,#191919> {{{-2 {{{#!wiki style="letter-spacing: -1.2px" {{{#4f4943,#f1e7dd '''{{{I've lost myself again and i feel unsafe}}}'''}}}}}}난 또 내 스스로를 놓아버렸고, 난 불안정해}}} {{{-4 ''- [[Breathe Me]] -'' }}} || [[2004년]] [[1월 19일]]에 발매된 [[Sia|시아]]의 3번째 정규 앨범. == 발매 과정 == 2000년 시아는 2집 활동을 하며 영국에서 살고 있었지만 2집 앨범이 흥행을 하지 못해 시아는 별로 기분이 좋지 않았다고 한다. 그래서 이후 자기 매니저를 해고해 버린 뒤 [[소니 뮤직]]을 탈퇴하고 "Go Beat!" 레이블에 가입하게 된다. 이후 발매한 첫번째 앨범이 "Colour The Small One"이다. == 평가 == [include(틀:평가/메타크리틱(음악), album=colour-the-small-one, artist=sia, critic=77, user=8.7)] [[롤링 스톤]]은 5점 만점에 3.5점을 부여하며 아래와 같은 리뷰를 남겼다. ||||{{{#!wiki style="margin:10px" {{{-1 해외로 발매된지 2년 후, 시아의 세 번째 앨범이자 [[미국]]에서의 솔로 데뷔는 "Six Feet Under"의 클라이맥스한 마지막 장면에 삽입된 트랙 "[[Breathe Me]]"에 힘입어, 마침내 미국 매장을 강타했다. 호주에서 자란 시아는 이전에 Chill-Out 듀오 "Zero 7"을 위해 노래를 부르고 작곡했으며 "Colour the Small One"은 비슷하게 느린 템포, 흐릿한 보컬, 셔플링 비트, 부드러운 분위기를 가져다 준다. "Breath Me"는 노래의 힘과 인기를 바탕으로 초월해 나가지만, 여기에는 그런 종류의 관심을 요구하거나 받을 만한 다른 것이 없다. 시아가 중얼거리는 크론(croun), 부정확한 딕션(diction), 머쉬(mashmallow-mush)로 자신을 오버더빙하는 경향은 그녀의 존재를 불분명한 흐릿함으로 만들어버렸다. 시아는 자신의 앨범 대부분에서 그랬던 것보다 "Zero 7"에서 카메오로 나왔을 때 더 스타처럼 빛났다.}}}}}} ---- {{{#!wiki style="margin:5px" {{{-2 - [[롤링 스톤]], [[https://web.archive.org/web/20090505220048/http://www.rollingstone.com/artists/sia/albums/album/9106460/review/9130656/colour_the_small_one|Barry Walters]]}}}}}} || == 성적 == [[오피셜 앨범 차트]]에서 180위를 기록했다. 전 앨범들인 "[[OnlySee]]", "[[Healing Is Difficult]]"는 오피셜 앨범 차트에 진입을 못했기 때문에 사실상 이 앨범이 오피셜 앨범 차트에 오른 시아의 첫 앨범이 되었다. 반면 싱글 '[[Breathe Me]]'가 히트를 쳤는데, 미디어나 라디오에서 해당 노래가 자주 쓰이면서 유명세를 타기 시작했고 미국에서 120만장 정도 팔렸다고 한다. 오피셜 싱글 차트 순위는 71위.[* 전 앨범 히트작인 '[[Taken for Granted]]' 보단 낮은 순위지만 [[빌보드]] 차트 중 하나인 빌보드 록 디지털 차트에는 이 노래가 처음으로 진입하였다.] == 싱글 == ||<-5> {{{#!wiki style="margin:1px" [[파일:Colour The Small One_logo.png|width=250]]}}} || ||{{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [[Don't Bring Me Down|[[파일:Don't Bring Me Down.jpg|width=100%]]]]}}}||{{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [[Breathe Me|[[파일:Breathe Me.jpg|width=100%]]]]}}}||{{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [[Colour The Small One#Where I Belong|[[파일:Where_I_Belong.jpg|width=100%]]]]}}}||{{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [[Colour The Small One#Numb|[[파일:Numb.jpg|width=100%]]]]}}}||{{{#!wiki style="margin: -5px -10px" [[Colour The Small One#Sunday|[[파일:Colour The Small One.jpg|width=100%]]]]}}}|| || {{{#!wiki style="margin:0px -10px; letter-spacing: -0.2px; word-break:keep-all" [[Don't Bring Me Down|{{{-3 {{{#4f4943,#f1e7dd '''Don't Bring Me Down'''}}}}}}]][br]{{{#!wiki style="display:inline; padding:3px 4px; border-radius:2px; background:#f1e7dd; color:#4f4943; font-size:0.65em" '''정식 싱글'''}}} {{{-5 2003. 11.}}}}}} || {{{#!wiki style="margin:0px -10px; letter-spacing: -0.2px; word-break:keep-all" [[Breathe Me|{{{-3 {{{#4f4943,#f1e7dd '''Breathe Me'''}}}}}}]][br]{{{#!wiki style="display:inline; padding:3px 4px; border-radius:2px; background:#f1e7dd; color:#4f4943; font-size:0.65em" '''정식 싱글'''}}} {{{-5 2004. 04. 19.}}}}}} || {{{#!wiki style="margin:0px -10px; letter-spacing: -0.2px; word-break:keep-all" [[Colour The Small One#Where I Belong|{{{-3 {{{#4f4943,#f1e7dd '''Where I Belong'''}}}}}}]][br]{{{#!wiki style="display:inline; padding:3px 4px; border-radius:2px; background:#f1e7dd; color:#4f4943; font-size:0.65em" '''정식 싱글'''}}} {{{-5 2004. 08. 09.}}}}}} || {{{#!wiki style="margin:0px -10px; letter-spacing: -0.2px; word-break:keep-all" [[Colour The Small One#Numb|{{{-3 {{{#4f4943,#f1e7dd '''Numb'''}}}}}}]][br]{{{#!wiki style="display:inline; padding:3px 4px; border-radius:2px; background:#f1e7dd; color:#4f4943; font-size:0.65em" '''정식 싱글'''}}} {{{-5 2005. 04. 18.}}}}}} || {{{#!wiki style="margin:0px -10px; letter-spacing: -0.2px; word-break:keep-all" [[Colour The Small One#Sunday|{{{-3 {{{#4f4943,#f1e7dd '''Sunday'''}}}}}}]][br]{{{#!wiki style="display:inline; padding:3px 4px; border-radius:2px; background:#f1e7dd; color:#4f4943; font-size:0.65em" '''정식 싱글'''}}} {{{-5 2006. 02. 13.}}}}}} || [include(틀:상세 내용, 문서명=Sia/싱글)] == 수록곡 == {{{#!wiki style="word-break:keep-all; font-size:0.75em" ||<-4> {{{#!wiki style="margin:0px -10px -3px; min-height:19px" {{{#!folding [ 트랙리스트 ] {{{#!wiki style="margin: 5px 0px 0px" [[파일:Colour The Small One_tracklist.jpg|width=100%]]}}}}}}}}} || || '''#''' || '''제목''' || '''송라이터''' || '''프로듀서''' || ||<-4> '''Standard''' || || 1 ||Rewrite ||<|2>Samuel Dixon, Sia Furler ||<|12>Jimmy Hogarth || || 2 ||[[파일:single_sign.svg|width=10]] Sunday || || 3 ||[[파일:single_sign.svg|width=10]] [[Breathe Me]] ||Dan Carey, Sia Furler || || 4 ||The Bully ||Beck (aka B Hansen), Sia Furler, Jimmy Hogarth || || 5 ||Sweet Potato ||Kevin Cormack, Sia Furler, Jimmy Hogarth || || 6 ||[[파일:single_sign.svg|width=10]] [[Don't Bring Me Down]] ||Sia Furler, Blair MacKichan, Samuel Dixon || || 7 ||Natale's Song ||Samuel Dixon, Sia Furler || || 8 ||Butterflies[* 인터네셔널 버전에서만 들을 수 있다.] ||Kevin Cormack, Sia Furler, Jimmy Hogarth || || 9 ||[[파일:single_sign.svg|width=10]] Moon ||Samuel Dixon, Sia Furler, Jimmy Hogarth || || 10 ||The Church Of What's Happening Now ||Samuel Dixon, Sia Furler || || 11 ||[[파일:single_sign.svg|width=10]] Numb ||Sia Furler, Felix Howard, James McMillan || || 12 ||[[파일:single_sign.svg|width=10]] Where I Belong ||Samuel Dixon, Sia Furler || ||<-4> '''Us Edition''' || || 13 ||Broken Biscuit ||Chad Fischer, Sia Furler ||<|4>Jimmy Hogarth || || 14 ||Sea Shells ||Sia Furler, Larry Goldings || || 15 ||[[Breathe Me]] (Four Tet Remix) ||<|2>Dan Carey, Sia Furler || || 16 ||[[Breathe Me]] (Ulrich Schnauss Remix) || ||<-4> '''Digital Deluxe Edition''' || || 13 ||Broken Biscuit ||Chad Fischer, Sia Furler ||<|7>Jimmy Hogarth || || 14 ||Lucky ||<|2>Sia Furler, Jimmy Hogarth || || 15 ||So Bored || || 16 ||[[Breathe Me]] (Four Tet Remix) ||Dan Carey, Sia Furler || || 17 ||Where I Belong (Hot Chip Remix) ||Sia Furler, Jesse Shatkin, Benjamin Levin, Jasper Harris, [[캐시미어 캣|Magnus Høiberg]] || || 18 ||Numb (Tom Middleton Cosmos Mix) ||Sia Furler, Jesse Shatkin || || 19 ||[[Breathe Me]] (Mr Dan Remix) ||Sia Furler, Jesse Shatkin || ||<-4> [[파일:single_sign.svg|width=10]] = 정식 싱글 / [[파일:singleradio_sign.svg|width=10]] = 라디오 전용 싱글 / [[파일:singlepromo_sign.svg|width=10]] = 프로모 싱글 ||}}} === Standard Edition === ==== Rewrite ==== ||{{{#!wiki style="margin:-5px -10px" [youtube(5fLRrVkHm34)]}}}|| || {{{#!wiki style="word-break:keep-all; margin:0px 0px 4px" '''{{{#4f4943 {{{+2 Rewrite}}}}}}[br]0:00 ─❍──────── 4:45[br]{{{#!wiki style="display:inline; padding:3px 6px; border-radius:100px; border:1px solid #4f4943; background:linear-gradient(90deg, #4f4943 42%, transparent 0%); font-size:0.65em; letter-spacing:-0.3px" {{{#f1e7dd 01}}} {{{#4f4943 Track}}}}}}'''}}} || || {{{#!folding [ 가사 보기 ] {{{#!wiki style="word-break:keep-all; font-size:0.9em" [br] You don't know me You can't hold me I'll slip through your hands I am one single grain of sand You are free to love Happily received You are free to love If that is all you need I'm an empty space I can't be replaced So when you're finished with this dream Delete begin to rewrite me You are free to love Happily received You are free to love If that is all you need You are free to love Happily received You are free to love If that is all you need You are free to love Happily received You are free to love Delete and rewrite me}}}}}} || ==== Sunday ==== ||{{{#!wiki style="margin:-5px -10px" [youtube(F_ThqEhSFSQ)]}}}|| || {{{#!wiki style="word-break:keep-all" {{{#4f4943 {{{+2 '''Sunday'''}}}}}}[br]{{{#666 4:17}}}}}} || || {{{#!folding [ 가사 보기 ] {{{#!wiki style="word-break:keep-all; font-size:0.9em" [br] For those who've slept For those who've kept Themselves jacked up How Jesus wept Sunday Sunday For those in need For those who speed For those who try to slow their minds with weed Sunday Sunday For those who wake With a blind headache Who must be still Who will sit and wait For sunday, to be monday Yeah, it will be ok Do nothing today Give yourself a break Let your imagination run away For those with guilt For those who wilt Under pressure No tears over spilt milk Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Yeah, it will be ok Do nothing today Give yourself a break Let your imagination runaway Yeah, it will be ok Do nothing today Give yourself a break Let your imagination runaway}}}}}} || ==== [[Breathe Me]] ==== ||{{{#!wiki style="margin:-5px -10px" [youtube(pZ1fLkIG540)]}}}|| || {{{#!wiki style="word-break:keep-all" [[Breathe Me|{{{#4f4943 {{{+2 '''Breathe Me'''}}}}}}]][br]{{{#666 4:34}}}}}} || || {{{#!folding [ 가사 보기 ] {{{#!wiki style="word-break:keep-all; font-size:0.9em" [br] Help, I have done it again 도와줘, 또 저질러 버렸어 I have been here many times before 난 이전에도 여러 번 여기 왔어 Hurt myself again today 오늘 다시 스스로를 상처입혔어 And, the worst part is there's no-one else to blame 그리고, 제일 최악인 건 내가 탓할 사람이 없다는 거야 Be my friend, hold me 내 친구가 돼줘, 날 안아줘 Wrap me up, enfold me 날 감싸줘, 날 안아줘 I am small and needy 난 작고 굶주렸어 Warm me up and breathe me 날 감싸주고 숨 쉬게 해줘 Ouch I have lost myself again 이크! 나 자신을 다시 잃어버렸어 Lost myself and I am nowhere to be found 나 자신을 잃었고 나는 어디에서도 발견되지 않아 Yeah I think that I might break 그래 난 부서질지도 모른다는 생각이 들어 I've lost myself again and I feel unsafe 난 다시 나 자신을 잃어버렸고 불안을 느껴 Be my friend, hold me 내 친구가 돼줘, 날 안아줘 Wrap me up, enfold me 날 감싸줘, 날 안아줘 I am small and needy 난 작고 궁핍해 Warm me up and breathe me 날 감싸주고 숨 쉬게 해줘 Be my friend, hold me 내 친구가 돼줘, 날 안아줘 Wrap me up, enfold me 날 감싸줘, 날 안아줘 I am small and needy 난 작고 굶주렸어 Warm me up and breathe me 날 감싸주고 숨 쉬게 해줘}}}}}} || [include(틀:상세 내용, 문서명=Breathe Me)] ==== The Bully ==== ||{{{#!wiki style="margin:-5px -10px" [youtube(RUaE1szmqHE)]}}}|| || {{{#!wiki style="word-break:keep-all" {{{#4f4943 {{{+2 '''The Bully'''}}}}}}[br]{{{#666 3:51}}}}}} || || {{{#!folding [ 가사 보기 ] {{{#!wiki style="word-break:keep-all; font-size:0.9em" [br] How you been feeling It's not about marbles, sweets or glue How you been healing Now that we cannot win or lose So how you been keeping It doesn't matter whose dads richest now How you been sleeping From the top bunks further to fall down You turned that around on me You turned that around on me You turned that around on me You turned that around on me What you been doing Still make the world a better place Never stopped rueing Making those tears fall down your face Making you suffer Wondering how you got your scars And only in hindsight I wish I had taken you in my arms Taken you in my arms Taken you in my arms Taken you in my arms Taken you in my arms You turned that around on me You turned that around on me You turned that around on me You turned that around on me You turned that around on me (forgiving the bully) You turned that around on me You turned that around on me (forgiving the bully)}}}}}} || ==== Sweet Potato ==== ||{{{#!wiki style="margin:-5px -10px" [youtube(DJNVZZYcaGQ)]}}}|| || {{{#!wiki style="word-break:keep-all" {{{#4f4943 {{{+2 '''Sweet Potato'''}}}}}}[br]{{{#666 4:00}}}}}} || || {{{#!folding [ 가사 보기 ] {{{#!wiki style="word-break:keep-all; font-size:0.9em" [br] She cooks you sweet potato, you don't like aubergine She knows to boil the kettle when you hum bars from Grease She senses you are lonely but still she can't be sure And so she stands and waits, stands anticipating your thoughts How can she become the psychic that she longs to be to understand you How can she become the psychic that she longs to be to understand you He brushes thoroughly He know she likes fresh breath He rushes to the station He waits atop the steps He's brought with him a Mars bar She will not buy Nestle And later he'll perform A love-lorn serenade, a trade How can he become the psychic that he longs to be to understand you How can he become the psychic that he longs to be to understand you So give her information to help her fill the holes Give an ounce of power so he does not feel controlled Help her to acknowledge the pain that you are in Give to him a glimpse of that beneath your skin Now my inner dialogue is heaving with detest I am a martyr and a victim and I need to be caressed I hate that you negate me, I'm a ghost at beck and call I'm failing and placating, I berate myself for staying I'm a fool I'm a fool He greets the stranger meekly, a thing that she accepts She sees him waiting often with chocolate on the steps He senses she is lonely, she's glad they finally met They take each other's hands, walk into the sunset Do you like sweet potato?}}}}}} || ==== [[Don't Bring Me Down]] ==== ||{{{#!wiki style="margin:-5px -10px" [youtube(J15Q3NtcxAs)]}}}|| || {{{#!wiki style="word-break:keep-all" [[Don't Bring Me Down|{{{#4f4943 {{{+2 '''Don't Bring Me Down'''}}}}}}]][br]{{{#666 4:25}}}}}} || || {{{#!folding [ 가사 보기 ] {{{#!wiki style="word-break:keep-all; font-size:0.9em" [br] Faint light of dawn I'm listening to you breathing in and breathing out Needing nothing You're honey dipped You are beautiful, floating clouds, soft world I can't feel my lips I'm going down, I don't want to change I'm going down, going down the drain Don't bring me down, I beg you Don't bring me down, I won't let you Don't bring me down Then all of that's annulled and I'm anyone's everyone's We are one Your face becomes the sun And I'm addicted to the joy that the little things Those little things The little things they bring I'm going down, I don't want to change I'm going down, going down the drain So now for restless mind, I could go either way Oh but, I'm going down, I don't wanna change I'm going down, going down the drain Don't bring me down, I beg you Don't bring me down, I won't let you Don't bring me down, I beg you Don't bring me down, don't let me Don't bring me down, Don't bring me down, I won't let you Don't bring me down, There's nothing left to choose Oh I fight a word, I am right here Stay the night, protect me}}}}}} || [include(틀:상세 내용, 문서명=Don't Bring Me Down)] ==== Natale's Song ==== ||{{{#!wiki style="margin:-5px -10px" [youtube(wNbWi9EsAgs)]}}}|| || {{{#!wiki style="word-break:keep-all" {{{#4f4943 {{{+2 '''Natale's Song'''}}}}}}[br]{{{#666 2:32}}}}}} || || {{{#!folding [ 가사 보기 ] {{{#!wiki style="word-break:keep-all; font-size:0.9em" [br] I'm in the wars Can't speak for crying Close all the doors Since I am dying Pick up the phone Attempt to call her I'm all alone Until she answers Momentarily she brings peace to me Momentarily she brings peace to me She barely speaks But I hear her breathing That's all I need Someone who's listening And still she stays Her time is precious Until I am safe She gives her presence Momentarily she brings peace to me Momentarily she brings peace to me Momentarily she brings peace to me Momentarily she brings peace to me}}}}}} || ==== Butterflies ==== ||{{{#!wiki style="margin:-5px -10px" [youtube(0amTI5OHqYU)]}}}|| || {{{#!wiki style="word-break:keep-all" {{{#4f4943 {{{+2 '''Butterflies'''}}}}}}[br]{{{#666 3:26}}}}}} || || {{{#!folding [ 가사 보기 ] {{{#!wiki style="word-break:keep-all; font-size:0.9em" [br] We've been to the top, we've been to the bottom. We've known everything and forgotten, yeah. You've kicked me around, you've wrapped me in cotton. You've carried our load and you've shot them, yeah. Oh yes the butterflies are still there. Oh yes the butterflies are still there. We've argued by the baggage claim. We've accepted and we've laid blame. We've drank Sangthip in monsoonal rain. We've felt separate and we've felt the same. Oh yes the butterflies are still there. Oh yes the butterflies are still there. Oh yes the butterflies are still there. Oh yes the butterflies are still there. We've shared joy and we've shared pain. We've shared guilt and we've shared shame. We've bought into stupid games. We've freed each offer and we laid claim. Oh yes the butterflies are still there. Oh yes the butterflies are still there. Oh yes the butterflies are still there. Oh yes the butterflies are still there. Because we came from the same cocoon… https://lyricstranslate.com/ko/sia-butterflies-lyrics.html}}}}}} || ==== Moon ==== ||{{{#!wiki style="margin:-5px -10px" [youtube(Pevm1raNTks)]}}}|| || {{{#!wiki style="word-break:keep-all" {{{#4f4943 {{{+2 '''Moon'''}}}}}}[br]{{{#666 5:02}}}}}} || || {{{#!folding [ 가사 보기 ] {{{#!wiki style="word-break:keep-all; font-size:0.9em" [br] I watch you spin from afar, I drink you in and breathe you out. I'm camouflaged by the time line, I'm camouflaged when the sun shines. Two ships passing in, in the night, Two lips pressing ground the tides. I believe the world it spins for you. We will never be, I am the moon. I believe the world it spins for you. We will never be, I am the moon. I long to be a part, I isolate my heart. You've drawn me into your world, Now, I too spin limbless. One hand clapping, where's the wind. I stand spanning at your distant wings. I believe the world it spins for you. We will never be, I am the moon. I believe the world it spins for you. We will never be, I am the moon. I believe the world it spins for you. We will never be, I am the moon.}}}}}} || ==== The Church Of What's Happening Now ==== ||{{{#!wiki style="margin:-5px -10px" [youtube(ekaACDUprrU)]}}}|| || {{{#!wiki style="word-break:keep-all" {{{#4f4943 {{{+2 '''The Church of What's Happening Now'''}}}}}}[br]{{{#666 4:27}}}}}} || || {{{#!folding [ 가사 보기 ] {{{#!wiki style="word-break:keep-all; font-size:0.9em" [br] I want to change, to rearrange What is going on I need to change, I need to play Like a five year old I can't detach from the past and all of the pain I need to learn, start from scratch begin again Throw away yesterday Today is a brand new day Throw away yesterday Today is a brand new day So I'm going to eat one hundred sweets I don't care if I get fat And I'm going to speak one I won't censor me I know I can take nothing back And I'm going to jump I will unburden I cannot go too deep I will not run from bad things I've done They're things I'll try not to repeat Throw away yesterday Today is a brand new day Throw away yesterday Today is a brand new day Welcome to The church of what's happening now Head straight through It costs nothing but change Throw away yesterday Today is a brand new day Throw away yesterday Today is a brand new day Throw away yesterday Today is a brand new day Throw away yesterday Today is a brand new day Throw away yesterday Today is a brand new day Throw away yesterday Today is a brand new day}}}}}} || ==== Numb ==== ||{{{#!wiki style="margin:-5px -10px" [youtube(VYt_pwjd7CU)]}}}|| || {{{#!wiki style="word-break:keep-all" {{{#4f4943 {{{+2 '''Numb'''}}}}}}[br]{{{#666 4:40}}}}}} || || {{{#!folding [ 가사 보기 ] {{{#!wiki style="word-break:keep-all; font-size:0.9em" [br] I saw you cry today The pain may fill you I saw you shy away The pain will not kill you You made me smile today You spoke with many voices We travelled miles today Shared expressions voiceless It has to end Living in your head Without anything to numb you Living on the edge Without anything to numb you It has to end to begin Began an end today Gave and got given You made a friend today Kindred soul cracked spirit It has to end to begin Living in your head Without anything to numb you Living on the edge Without anything to numb you It had to end to begin Living in your head Without anything to numb you Living on the edge Without anything to numb you Living in your head Without anything to numb you Living on the edge Without anything to numb you it has begun}}}}}} || ==== Where I Belong ==== ||{{{#!wiki style="margin:-5px -10px" [youtube(O-CqSYYUNzo)]}}}|| || {{{#!wiki style="word-break:keep-all" {{{#4f4943 {{{+2 '''Where I Belong'''}}}}}}[br]{{{#666 4:45}}}}}} || || {{{#!folding [ 가사 보기 ] {{{#!wiki style="word-break:keep-all; font-size:0.9em" [br] Without truth 진실 없이 With ruth 슬픔과 함께 Yet we want to spare the feelings of lovers with love 아직 우린 사랑과 함께 연인의 감정을 공유하길 원해 Don't cry 울지마 We've all lied 우리는 다 거짓말 해왔어 But there is always room for forgiveness my friend 하지만 항상 용서를 위한 방이 있어, 친구야 So don't treat me bad just be glad I am strong 그러니까 날 나쁘게 대하지 마 그냥 기뻐해 난 강해 I know where I belong 난 내가 어디에 속해있는지 알아 And soon you will see we are blessed and complete 그리고 곧 너는 우리가 축복받으며 완전한 것을 보게 될꺼야 There's a place here for you with me 여기에 너와 나를 위한 곳이 있어 Shine 빛나 You're fine 너는 좋아 See I will always have a smile for you 봐 나는 항상 너를 위해 웃어줄꺼야 my love 나의 사랑 And I still 그리고 나는 여전히 We will 우리는 Be ok and well on the way we'll learn a thing as we go 괜찮아 질꺼야 그리고 우리가 가야할 곳을 배울 거야 So don't treat me bad just be glad I am strong 그러니까 날 나쁘게 대하지 마 그냥 기뻐해 난 강해 I know where I belong 난 내가 어디에 속해있는지 알아 And soon you will see we are blessed and complete 그리고 곧 너는 우리가 축복받으며 완전한 것을 보게 될꺼야 There's a place here for you with me 여기에 너와 나를 위한 곳이 있어 So don't treat me bad just be glad I am strong 그러니까 날 나쁘게 대하지 마 그냥 기뻐해 난 강해 I know where I belong 난 내가 어디에 속해있는지 알아 And soon you will see we are blessed and complete 그리고 곧 너는 우리가 축복받으며 완전한 것을 보게 될꺼야 There's a place here with me my sweet 여기에 나의 달콤함과 함께인 곳이 있어 So don't treat me bad just be glad I am strong 그러니까 날 나쁘게 대하지 마 그냥 기뻐해 난 강해 I know where I belong 난 내가 어디에 속해있는지 알아 And soon you will see we are blessed and complete 그리고 곧 너는 우리가 축복받으며 완전한 것을 보게 될꺼야 There's a place here for you with me 여기에 너와 나를 위한 곳이 있어 So don't treat me bad just be glad I am strong 그러니까 날 나쁘게 대하지 마 그냥 기뻐해 난 강해 I know where I belong 난 내가 어디에 속해있는지 알아 And soon you will see we are blessed and complete 그리고 곧 너는 우리가 축복받으며 완전한 것을 보게 될꺼야 There's a place here for you with me 여기에 너와 나를 위한 곳이 있어 So don't treat me bad just be glad I am strong 그러니까 날 나쁘게 대하지 마 그냥 기뻐해 난 강해 I know where I belong 난 내가 어디에 속해있는지 알아 And soon you will see we are blessed and complete 그리고 곧 너는 우리가 축복받으며 완전한 것을 보게 될꺼야 There's a place here for you with me 여기에 너와 나를 위한 곳이 있어 So don't treat me bad just be glad I am strong 그러니까 날 나쁘게 대하지 마 그냥 기뻐해 난 강해 I know where I belong 난 내가 어디에 속해있는지 알아 And soon you will see we are blessed and complete 그리고 곧 너는 우리가 축복받으며 완전한 것을 보게 될꺼야 There's a place here for you with me 여기에 너와 나를 위한 곳이 있어 So don't treat me bad just be glad I am strong 그러니까 날 나쁘게 대하지 마 그냥 기뻐해 난 강해 I know where I belong 난 내가 어디에 속해있는지 알아 And soon you will see we are blessed and complete 그리고 곧 너는 우리가 축복받으며 완전한 것을 보게 될꺼야 There's a place here for you with me 여기에 너와 나를 위한 곳이 있어}}}}}} || === US Edition === * 해당 버전은 미국 에디션 한정반으로 발매된 앨범이다. * 기존의 Colour the Small One 수록곡 12곡과 Broken Biscuit / Sea Shells / Breathe Me (Four Tet Remix) / Breathe Me (Ulrich Schnauss Remix가 포함되어 총 16곡이 수록되어 있다. * 수록곡 Broken Biscuit, Breathe Me (Four Tet Remix)는 나머지 두곡과 다르게 공식 유튜브에 공개되었다.[* 나머지 두곡도 찾아보면 다른 유저들이 올린게 보인다.][* Sea Shells는 동영상을 볼 수 없다고 뜬다. 삭제된 이유는 불명.] === Deluxe Edition === ==== Lucky ==== ||{{{#!wiki style="margin:-5px -10px" [youtube(Xe8EHAUT60c)]}}}|| || {{{#!wiki style="word-break:keep-all" {{{#4f4943 {{{+2 '''Lucky'''}}}}}}[br]{{{#666 3:13}}}}}} || || {{{#!folding [ 가사 보기 ] {{{#!wiki style="word-break:keep-all; font-size:0.9em" [br] There’s been a terrible drought It's been too cold to get out I needed to scream and shout But it’s over now, it’s over now I’m getting lucky tonight I’m getting lucky tonight I’m getting lucky tonight And here you are holding my hand Here by you I’ll always stand It’s raining its pouring love Warm drops of joy fall from above. Above! I’m getting lucky tonight I’m getting lucky tonight I’m getting lucky tonight I’m getting lucky tonight Yeah I’m getting lucky tonight I'm getting lucky tonight I’m getting lucky tonight Yeah I’m getting lucky tonight I’m getting lucky tonight I’m getting lucky tonight And so are you}}}}}} || ==== So Bored ==== ||{{{#!wiki style="margin:-5px -10px" [youtube(TzYM5ImDzXY)]}}}|| || {{{#!wiki style="word-break:keep-all" {{{#4f4943 {{{+2 '''So Bored'''}}}}}}[br]{{{#666 3:09}}}}}} || || {{{#!folding [ 가사 보기 ] {{{#!wiki style="word-break:keep-all; font-size:0.9em" [br] I am so bored Think I'm going to die I'm so empty I cannot even cry Crush my eye in your tender hand The death of romance I’m grief stricken Killing time Amputated, broken smile I feel so weak Undignified I didn't realize I'm isolated sick with fear I lost my sight And cannot hear Imperfect world, desensitized Our truth been compromised I’m so bored I think I might die Burned, burnt-out and dried Oh lord uninspired Cross my heart I hope to die}}}}}} || == 여담 == * 전곡 모두 시아가 송라이팅했다. 이중 5곡은 사무엘 딕슨과, "The Bully"와 이 앨범에 수록되지 않는 나머지 두곡은 미국 뮤지션 [[벡 한센]]과 함께 공동 작곡했다. 백 보컬같은 경우엔 "Natale's Song"은 소피 바커[* 시아의 전 그룹 "Zero 7"의 싱글 "Destiny"를 같이 작업한 가수이기도 하다.]가, "The Church Of What's Happening Now"는 영국 가수 이본 존 루이스가 맡았다. [[https://www.discogs.com/release/249636-Sia-Colour-The-Small-One|#]]