옥스퍼드 대학교/학위과정 및 전공

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파일:나무위키+상위문서.png   상위 문서: 옥스퍼드 대학교

1. 개요
2. 전공, 학과 구분
3. 학부 학위과정 목록
4. 대학원 학위과정 목록
5. 박사학위 약칭

1. 개요[편집]

영국 옥스퍼드 대학교의 학과(또는 학부)와 연구소 목록.

2. 전공, 학과 구분[편집]

옥스퍼드대학의 학위과정은 학문분야(전공) 단위로 조직되며, 전공의 명칭이 학과의 명칭과 일치하지 않을 수 있다. 예를 들어, 하나의 학과가 2개 이상의 박사학위과정을 운영할 수 있으며, 어느 하나의 학위과정이 2개 이상의 학과가 공동 운영하는 것일 수도 있다. 예를 들어, 2021/2022학년도까지의 옥스퍼드대학의 생물학 학사 학위과정은 '옥스퍼드대학 동물학과'와 '옥스퍼드대학 식물학과'가 공동으로 운영하는 것이며, '옥스퍼드대학 생물학과'는 존재하지 않았다. 다만 옥스퍼드대학의 동물학과와 식물학과가 2022년에 '생물학과'로 통합하기로 함에 따라 2022/2023학년도부터는 학사학위 전공 명칭과 학과 명칭이 서로 일치하게 되었다. 또한 한국 대학들과 미국 대학들은 전공(major)과 학위과정(programme)이라는 용어를 모두 쓰지만, 옥스퍼드대학에서는 한국어의 '전공'에 해당하는 'major'라는 단어를 잘 쓰지 않고, 학위과정(programme)이라는 개념만 주로 사용한다.

3. 학부 학위과정 목록[편집]

학사학위를 부여하는 학사과정, (학사학위 없이) 석사학위를 부여하는 학석사 통합 과정이 있다.

2022년부로 옥스포드에도 일부 학과들에 학부 예비 과정(파운데이션)+학부 과정인 Astrophoria Programme이 신설되었다. Astrophoria Programme이 있는 해당 학과명에 괄호로 A라고 표시했다.

전공 명칭(원어)학위과정 종류
(학사, 석사)
소속 학과·학부·연구소재학 연한
(교육 과정 기한)
Archaeology and AnthropologyBA3년
Biochemistry (Molecular and Cellular)MBiochem4년
3년 또는 4년
Biomedical SciencesBA(3년제),
3년 또는 4년
Biomedical Engineering(A)BEng-MEng4년-5년
Classical Archaeology and Ancient History(A)BA3년
Classics and EnglishCourse I BA(3년제),
Course II BA(4년제)
3년 또는 4년
Classics and Modern LanguagesBA(4년제),
BA(외국 1년 수학 포함 5년제)
4년 또는 5년
Classics and Oriental StudiesBA4년
Computer ScienceBA(3년제),
3년 또는 4년
Computer Science and PhilosophyBA(3년제),
3년 또는 4년
Earth Sciences (Geology)BA Geology(3년제),
3년 또는 4년
Economics and ManagementBA3년
Engineering Science(A)MEng4년
English Language and LiteratureBA3년
English and Modern LanguagesBA(외국 1년 수학 포함)4년
European and Middle Eastern LanguagesBA(외국 1년 수학 포함)4년
Fine ArtBFA3년
History (Ancient and Modern)BA3년
History and EconomicsBA3년
History and EnglishBA3년
History and Modern LanguagesBA(외국 1년 수학 포함)4년
History and PoliticsBA3년
History of ArtBA3년
Human SciencesBA3년
Law (Jurisprudence)BA equivalent to LLB3년 또는 4년
Materials Science(A)MEng4년
3년 또는 4년
Mathematics and Computer ScienceBA(3년제),
3년 또는 4년
Mathematics and PhilosophyBA(3년제),
3년 또는 4년
Mathematics and StatisticsBA(3년제),
3년 또는 4년
3년 또는 6년
(graduate-entry/ accelerated)
BM BCh4년
Modern LanguagesBA(외국 1년 수학 포함)4년
Modern Languages and LinguisticsBA(외국 1년 수학 포함)4년
Oriental StudiesBA3년 또는 4년
Philosophy and Modern LanguagesBA(외국 1년 수학 포함)4년
Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE)BA3년
Philosophy and TheologyBA3년
3년 또는 4년
Physics and PhilosophyBA(3년제),
3년 또는 4년
Psychology (Experimental)BA3년
Psychology, Philosophy and LinguisticsBA3년
Religion and Oriental StudiesBA3년
Theology and ReligionBA3년

4. 대학원 학위과정 목록[편집]

수업 석사과정, 연구 석사과정, 박사과정이 있다.
  • 출처 : https://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/graduate/courses/courses-a-z-listing
  • DPhil(디필) : Doctor of Philosophy의 약칭이며, 다른 대학에서 말하는 PhD와 같은 의미이다. 한국어로 '박사학위'를 뜻한다.
  • 파트타임 : Tier-4 사증(학생 비자)을 신청하는 학생으로서는 입학이 불가능하다. 영국인, 영국 영주권이 있는 외국인이 입학할 수 있다. 단, 배우자가 영국 체류 비자(Tier-4 비자 포함)를 취득하여 가족으로서 비자를 취득하여 영국에서 체류하는 경우, 파트타임 입학을 허락하는 영국 대학들도 있다. 이는 각 학위과정마다 학교 측에 문의하는 것이 필요하다.

전공 명칭(원어)학위과정 종류
(석사, 박사)
소속 학과·학부·연구소전일제 여부재학 연한
(교육 과정 기한)
African StudiesMScOxford School of Global and Area StudiesFull time9 months
Ancient HistoryDPhilFaculty of ClassicsFull time3-4 years
Ancient HistoryDPhilFaculty of ClassicsPart time6-8 years
Ancient PhilosophyMStFaculty of PhilosophyFull time9 months
AnthropologyDPhilSchool of Anthropology and Museum EthnographyFull time3-4 years
AnthropologyDPhilSchool of Anthropology and Museum EthnographyPart time6-8 years
Applied Landscape ArchaeologyMScDepartment for Continuing EducationPart time2 years
Applied Linguistics and Second Language AcquisitionMScDepartment of EducationFull time1 year
Applied Linguistics for Language TeachingMScDepartment of EducationPart time2 years
Applied TheologyMThFaculty of Theology and ReligionFull time2 years
Applied TheologyMThFaculty of Theology and ReligionPart time3-4 years
Applied TheologyPGDipFaculty of Theology and ReligionFull time1 year
Applied TheologyPGDipFaculty of Theology and ReligionPart time2 years
Archaeological ScienceDPhilSchool of ArchaeologyFull time3-4 years
Archaeological ScienceMScSchool of ArchaeologyFull time1 year
ArchaeologyDPhilSchool of ArchaeologyFull time3-4 years
ArchaeologyDPhilDepartment for Continuing EducationPart time6-8 years
ArchaeologyMScSchool of ArchaeologyFull time11 months
Architectural HistoryDPhilDepartment for Continuing EducationPart time5-8 years
Architectural HistoryPGCertDepartment for Continuing EducationPart time11 months
Area StudiesDPhilOxford School of Global and Area StudiesFull time3-4 years
AstrophysicsDPhilDepartment of PhysicsFull time3-4 years
Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary PhysicsDPhilDepartment of PhysicsFull time3-4 years
Atomic and Laser PhysicsDPhilDepartment of PhysicsFull time3-4 years
Autonomous Intelligent Machines and SystemsEPSRC CDTDepartment of Computer Science, Department of Engineering ScienceFull time4 years
Bachelor of Civil LawBCLFaculty of LawFull time10 months
Bible InterpretationMStFaculty of Oriental StudiesFull time9 months
BiochemistryDPhilDepartment of BiochemistryFull time3-4 years
BiochemistryMSc (Res)Department of BiochemistryFull time1-3 years
Biochemistry (Skaggs-Oxford Programme)DPhilDepartment of BiochemistryFull time5 years
Biodiversity, Conservation and ManagementMPhilSchool of Geography and the EnvironmentFull time2 years
Biodiversity, Conservation and ManagementMScSchool of Geography and the EnvironmentFull time1 year
Biomedical and Clinical SciencesDPhilMedical Sciences Doctoral Training CentreFull time3 years
Biomedical Sciences (NIH OxCam)DPhilNuffield Department of Clinical MedicineFull time3-4 years
Buddhist StudiesMPhilFaculty of Oriental StudiesFull time21 months
Cancer ScienceDPhilMedical Sciences Doctoral Training CentreFull time3-4 years
Cardiovascular ScienceDPhilMedical Sciences Doctoral Training CentreFull time4 years
Cellular Structural BiologyDPhilMedical Sciences Doctoral Training CentreFull time4 years
Chemical BiologyDPhilDepartment of ChemistryFull time3-4 years
Chemical BiologyMSc (Res)Department of ChemistryFull time2-3 years
Chemistry in Cells: New Technologies to Probe Complex Biology and MedicineDPhilDepartment of Chemistry, Medical Sciences Doctoral Training CentreFull time4 years
Classical ArchaeologyDPhilSchool of ArchaeologyFull time3-4 years
Classical ArchaeologyMPhilSchool of ArchaeologyFull time21 months
Classical ArchaeologyMStSchool of ArchaeologyFull time9 months
Classical Armenian StudiesMStFaculty of Oriental StudiesFull time9 months
Classical Hebrew StudiesMStFaculty of Oriental StudiesFull time9 months
Classical Indian ReligionMPhilFaculty of Oriental StudiesFull time21 months
Classical Languages and LiteratureDPhilFaculty of ClassicsFull time3-4 years
Classical Languages and LiteratureDPhilFaculty of ClassicsPart time6-8 years
Clinical and Therapeutic NeuroscienceMScDepartment of PsychiatryFull time1 year
Clinical EmbryologyMScNuffield Department of Women's and Reproductive HealthFull time1 year
Clinical MedicineDPhilNuffield Department of Clinical MedicineFull time3-4 years
Clinical MedicineDPhilNuffield Department of Clinical MedicinePart time6-8 years
Clinical NeurosciencesDPhilNuffield Department of Clinical NeurosciencesFull time3-4 years
Clinical NeurosciencesDPhilNuffield Department of Clinical NeurosciencesPart time6-8 years
Clinical NeurosciencesMSc (Res)Nuffield Department of Clinical NeurosciencesFull time1-3 years
Clinical NeurosciencesMSc (Res)Nuffield Department of Clinical NeurosciencesPart time2-6 years
Clinical PsychologyDClinPsychOxford Institute of Clinical Psychology TrainingFull time3-4 years
Clinical TrialsMScNuffield Department of Population HealthPart time2 years
Cognitive and Evolutionary AnthropologyMScSchool of Anthropology and Museum EthnographyFull time1 year
Cognitive Behavioural StudiesPGCertDepartment for Continuing EducationPart time2 years
Cognitive Behavioural TherapyDPhilDepartment for Continuing EducationPart time6-8 years
Cognitive Behavioural TherapyMScDepartment for Continuing EducationPart time2 years
Cognitive Behavioural TherapyPGDipDepartment for Continuing EducationPart timeUp to 1 year
Cognitive Behavioural TherapyPGCertDepartment for Continuing EducationPart time9 months
Comparative Literature and Critical TranslationMStOxford Comparative Criticism and Translation, Humanities Interdisciplinary CoursesFull time9 months
Comparative Social PolicyMPhilDepartment of Social Policy and InterventionFull time21 months
Comparative Social PolicyMScDepartment of Social Policy and InterventionFull time1 year
Computational DiscoveryDPhilMedical Sciences Doctoral Training CentreFull time3-4 years
Computer ScienceDPhilDepartment of Computer ScienceFull time3-4 years
Computer ScienceMScDepartment of Computer ScienceFull time1 year
Condensed Matter PhysicsDPhilDepartment of PhysicsFull time3-4 years
Contemporary Chinese StudiesMScOxford School of Global and Area Studies, Faculty of Oriental StudiesFull time1 year
Continuing EducationDPhilDepartment for Continuing EducationPart time4-8 years
Creative WritingMStDepartment for Continuing EducationPart time2 years
CriminologyDPhilCentre for Criminology, Faculty of LawFull time3-4 years
CriminologyDPhilCentre for Criminology, Faculty of LawPart time6-8 years
Criminology and Criminal JusticeMScCentre for Criminology, Faculty of LawFull time9 months
Criminology and Criminal JusticeMScCentre for Criminology, Faculty of LawPart time21 months
Cuneiform StudiesMPhilFaculty of Oriental StudiesFull time21 months
Development StudiesMPhilDepartment of International DevelopmentFull time21 months
Diplomatic StudiesMStDepartment for Continuing EducationFull time1 year
Diplomatic StudiesPGDipDepartment for Continuing EducationFull time9 months
Earth SciencesDPhilDepartment of Earth SciencesFull time3-4 years
Eastern Christian StudiesMPhilFaculty of Oriental StudiesFull time21 months
Ecological Survey TechniquesPGCertDepartment for Continuing EducationPart time1 year
Economic and Social HistoryMPhilDepartment of Economics, Faculty of HistoryFull time21 months
Economic and Social HistoryMScDepartment of Economics, Faculty of HistoryFull time11 months
EconomicsDPhilDepartment of EconomicsFull time3-4 years
EconomicsDPhilDepartment of EconomicsPart time6-8 years
EconomicsMPhilDepartment of EconomicsFull time21 months
Economics for DevelopmentMScDepartment of Economics, Department of International DevelopmentFull time9 months
EducationDPhilDepartment of EducationFull time3-4 years
EducationDPhilDepartment of EducationPart time6-8 years
Education (Child Development and Education)MScDepartment of EducationFull time1 year
Education (Comparative and International Education)MScDepartment of EducationFull time1 year
Education (Higher Education)MScDepartment of EducationFull time1 year
Education (Research Design and Methodology)MScDepartment of EducationFull time1 year
Education (Research Design and Methodology)MScDepartment of EducationPart time2 years
Educational AssessmentMScDepartment of EducationPart time2 years
EgyptologyMPhilFaculty of Oriental StudiesFull time21 months
Energy SystemsMScDepartment of Engineering ScienceFull time1 year
Energy SystemsMScDepartment of Engineering SciencePart time2 years
Energy SystemsMScDepartment of Engineering SciencePart time3 years
Engineering ScienceDPhilDepartment of Engineering ScienceFull time3-4 years
Engineering ScienceDPhilDepartment of Engineering SciencePart time6-8 years
Engineering ScienceMSc (Res)Department of Engineering ScienceFull time2-3 years
EnglishDPhilFaculty of English Language and LiteratureFull time3-4 years
EnglishDPhilFaculty of English Language and LiteraturePart time6-8 years
English (1550-1700)MStFaculty of English Language and LiteratureFull time9 months
English (1700-1830)MStFaculty of English Language and LiteratureFull time9 months
English (1830-1914)MStFaculty of English Language and LiteratureFull time9 months
English (1900-Present)MStFaculty of English Language and LiteratureFull time9 months
English (650-1550)MStFaculty of English Language and LiteratureFull time9 months
English and American StudiesMStFaculty of English Language and LiteratureFull time9 months
English Local HistoryDPhilDepartment for Continuing EducationPart time4-6 years
English Local HistoryMScDepartment for Continuing EducationPart time2 years
English Studies (Medieval Period)MPhilFaculty of English Language and LiteratureFull time21 months
Enhanced Cognitive Behavioural TherapyPGCertDepartment for Continuing EducationPart timeUp to 1 year
Environmental Change and ManagementMPhilSchool of Geography and the EnvironmentFull time2 years
Environmental Change and ManagementMScSchool of Geography and the EnvironmentFull time1 year
Environmental ResearchNERC DTPEnvironmental Research Doctoral Training PartnershipFull time4 years
Evidence Based Health Care (Medical Statistics)MScDepartment for Continuing Education, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health SciencesPart time2-4 years
Evidence Based Health Care (Systematic Reviews)MScDepartment for Continuing Education, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health SciencesPart time2-4 years
Evidence-Based Health CareDPhilDepartment for Continuing Education, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health SciencesPart time4-8 years
Evidence-Based Health CareMScDepartment for Continuing Education, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health SciencesPart time2-4 years
Evidence-Based Social Intervention and Policy EvaluationMPhilDepartment of Social Policy and InterventionFull time21 months
Evidence-Based Social Intervention and Policy EvaluationMScDepartment of Social Policy and InterventionFull time1 year
ExecutiveMBA EMBASaïd Business SchoolPart time24 or 26 months
Experimental and Translational TherapeuticsMScDepartment for Continuing Education, Department of OncologyPart time2-4 years
Experimental PsychologyDPhilDepartment of Experimental PsychologyFull time3-4 years
Experimental PsychologyDPhilDepartment of Experimental PsychologyPart time6-8 years
Experimental PsychologyMSc (Res)Department of Experimental PsychologyFull time1-3 years
Experimental PsychologyMSc (Res)Department of Experimental PsychologyPart time2-6 years
Film AestheticsMStFilm Aesthetics, Humanities Interdisciplinary CoursesFull time9 months
FinanceDPhilSaïd Business SchoolFull time3-4 years
Financial EconomicsMScDepartment of Economics, Saïd Business SchoolFull time9 months
Financial StrategyPGDipSaïd Business SchoolPart time1 year
Fine ArtDPhilRuskin School of ArtFull time3-4 years
Fine ArtDPhilRuskin School of ArtPart time6-8 years
Fine ArtMFARuskin School of ArtFull time9 months
Fine ArtMFARuskin School of ArtPart time21 months
Future Propulsion and PowerEPSRC CDTDepartment of Engineering ScienceFull time4 years
Genomic Medicine and StatisticsDPhilMedical Sciences Doctoral Training CentreFull time4 years
Geography and the EnvironmentDPhilSchool of Geography and the EnvironmentFull time3-4 years
Geography and the EnvironmentDPhilSchool of Geography and the EnvironmentPart time6-8 years
Global and Imperial HistoryMStFaculty of HistoryFull time9 months
Global BusinessPGDipSaïd Business SchoolPart time1 year
Global Governance and DiplomacyMScDepartment of International DevelopmentFull time9 months
Global Health Science and EpidemiologyMScNuffield Department of Population HealthFull time1 year
Greek and/or Latin Languages and LiteratureMPhilFaculty of ClassicsFull time21 months
Greek and/or Latin Languages and LiteratureMStFaculty of ClassicsFull time9 months
Greek and/or Roman HistoryMPhilFaculty of ClassicsFull time21 months
Greek and/or Roman HistoryMStFaculty of ClassicsFull time9 months
Health Data ScienceEPSRC CDTDepartment of Computer ScienceFull time4 years
Health ResearchPGDipDepartment for Continuing Education, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health SciencesPart time1-3 years
Health ResearchPGCertDepartment for Continuing Education, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health SciencesPart time1-2 years
Historical StudiesMStDepartment for Continuing EducationPart time1 year
Historical StudiesPGCertDepartment for Continuing EducationPart time9 months
HistoryDPhilFaculty of HistoryFull time3-4 years
HistoryDPhilFaculty of HistoryPart time6-8 years
HistoryMPhilFaculty of HistoryFull time21 months
HistoryMStFaculty of HistoryFull time9 months
HistoryMStFaculty of HistoryPart time21 months
History (History of Science and Medicine & Economic and Social History)DPhilFaculty of HistoryFull time3-4 years
History (History of Science and Medicine & Economic and Social History)DPhilFaculty of HistoryPart time6-8 years
History of ArtDPhilFaculty of History, History of Art DepartmentFull time3-4 years
History of ArtDPhilFaculty of History, History of Art DepartmentPart time6-8 years
History of Art and Visual CultureMStFaculty of History, History of Art DepartmentFull time9 months
History of DesignMStDepartment for Continuing EducationPart time21 months
History of Science, Medicine and TechnologyMPhilFaculty of HistoryFull time21 months
History of Science, Medicine and TechnologyMScFaculty of HistoryFull time11 months
Information, Communication and the Social SciencesDPhilOxford Internet InstituteFull time3-4 years
Information, Communication and the Social SciencesDPhilOxford Internet InstitutePart time6-8 years
Inorganic ChemistryDPhilDepartment of ChemistryFull time3-4 years
Inorganic ChemistryMSc (Res)Department of ChemistryFull time2-3 years
Inorganic Chemistry for Future ManufacturingESPRC CDTDepartment of ChemistryFull time4 years
Integrated ImmunologyMScNuffield Department of Surgical SciencesFull time1 year
Intellectual Property Law and PracticePGDipFaculty of LawPart time10 months
Interdisciplinary BioscienceBBSRC DTPMPLS Doctoral Training CentreFull time4 years
Interdisciplinary Medical Research (MRC Doctoral Training Partnership)DPhilMPLS Doctoral Training CentreFull time3-4 years
Interdisciplinary Medical Research (MRC Doctoral Training Partnership)DPhilMPLS Doctoral Training CentrePart time6-8 years
International DevelopmentDPhilDepartment of International DevelopmentFull time3-4 years
International DevelopmentDPhilDepartment of International DevelopmentPart time6-8 years
International Health and Tropical MedicineMScNuffield Department of Clinical MedicineFull time1 year
International Human Rights LawMStDepartment for Continuing EducationPart time22 months
International RelationsDPhilDepartment of Politics and International RelationsFull time3-4 years
International RelationsDPhilDepartment of Politics and International RelationsPart time6-8 years
International RelationsMPhilDepartment of Politics and International RelationsFull time21 months
International Wildlife Conservation PracticePGDipDepartment for Continuing Education, Department of ZoologyFull time8 months
Ion Channels and Membrane Transport in Health and Disease (OXION)DPhilMedical Sciences Doctoral Training CentreFull time4 years
Islamic Art and ArchaeologyMPhilFaculty of Oriental StudiesFull time21 months
Islamic Art and ArchaeologyMStFaculty of Oriental StudiesFull time9 months
Islamic Studies and HistoryMPhilFaculty of Oriental StudiesFull time21 months
Islamic Studies and HistoryMStFaculty of Oriental StudiesFull time9 months
Japanese StudiesMPhilOxford School of Global and Area Studies, Faculty of Oriental StudiesFull time21 months
Japanese StudiesMScOxford School of Global and Area Studies, Faculty of Oriental StudiesFull time1 year
Jewish StudiesMPhilFaculty of Oriental StudiesFull time21 months
Jewish StudiesMStFaculty of Oriental StudiesFull time9 months
Jewish Studies in the Graeco-Roman PeriodMPhilFaculty of Oriental StudiesFull time21 months
Jewish Studies in the Graeco-Roman PeriodMStFaculty of Oriental StudiesFull time9 months
Judaism and Christianity in the Graeco-Roman WorldMPhilFaculty of Theology and ReligionFull time21 months
Korean StudiesMStFaculty of Oriental StudiesFull time9 months
Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesMPhilFaculty of History, Humanities Interdisciplinary CoursesFull time21 months
Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesMStFaculty of History, Humanities Interdisciplinary CoursesFull time9 months
Latin American StudiesMPhilOxford School of Global and Area StudiesFull time21 months
Latin American StudiesMScOxford School of Global and Area StudiesFull time9 months
LawDPhilFaculty of LawFull time3-4 years
LawDPhilFaculty of LawPart time6-8 years
LawMPhilFaculty of LawFull time1 year
Law and FinanceMScFaculty of Law, Saïd Business SchoolFull time10 months
Learning and TeachingMScDepartment of EducationPart time2-3 years
Linguistics, Philology and PhoneticsDPhilFaculty of Linguistics, Philology and PhoneticsFull time3-4 years
Linguistics, Philology and PhoneticsDPhilFaculty of Linguistics, Philology and PhoneticsPart time6-8 years
Linguistics, Philology and PhoneticsMPhilFaculty of Linguistics, Philology and PhoneticsFull time21 months
Linguistics, Philology and PhoneticsMStFaculty of Linguistics, Philology and PhoneticsFull time9 months
Literature and ArtsDPhilDepartment for Continuing EducationPart time4-8 years
Literature and ArtsMStDepartment for Continuing EducationPart time2 years
Magister JurisMJurFaculty of LawFull time10 months
Major Programme ManagementMScSaïd Business SchoolPart time2 years
ManagementDPhilSaïd Business SchoolFull time3-4 years
Master of Business AdministrationMBASaïd Business SchoolFull time1 year
Master of Business Administration Oxford 1+1 MBA programmeMBASaïd Business SchoolFull time2 years
MaterialsDPhilDepartment of MaterialsFull time3-4 years
MaterialsMSc (Res)Department of MaterialsFull time2-3 years
Mathematical and Computational FinanceMScMathematical InstituteFull time10 months
Mathematical and Theoretical PhysicsMScMathematical Institute, Department of PhysicsFull time9 months
Mathematical Modelling and Scientific ComputingMScMathematical InstituteFull time1 year
Mathematical Modelling of Random Systems: Analysis, Models and AlgorithmsEPSRC CDTMathematical InstituteFull time4 years
Mathematical SciencesMScMathematical Institute, Department of StatisticsFull time9 months
MathematicsDPhilMathematical InstituteFull time3-4 years
MathematicsMSc (Res)Mathematical InstituteFull time2-3 years
Mathematics and Foundations of Computer ScienceMScMathematical InstituteFull time1 year
Medical AnthropologyMPhilSchool of Anthropology and Museum EthnographyFull time21 months
Medical AnthropologyMScSchool of Anthropology and Museum EthnographyFull time1 year
Medical SciencesDPhilRadcliffe Department of MedicineFull time3-4 years
MedicineBM BCh (Graduate entry)Medical SchoolFull time4 years
Medieval and Modern LanguagesDPhilFaculty of Medieval and Modern LanguagesFull time3-4 years
Medieval and Modern LanguagesDPhilFaculty of Medieval and Modern LanguagesPart time6-8 years
Medieval StudiesMStHumanities Interdisciplinary CoursesFull time9 months
Migration StudiesDPhilSchool of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, Department of International DevelopmentFull time3-4 years
Migration StudiesDPhilSchool of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, Department of International DevelopmentPart time6-8 years
Migration StudiesMScSchool of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, Department of International DevelopmentFull time9 months
Mindfulness Based Cognitive TherapyMStDepartment for Continuing Education, Department of PsychiatryPart time2 years
Modern Chinese StudiesMPhilOxford School of Global and Area Studies, Faculty of Oriental StudiesFull time21 months
Modern LanguagesMPhilFaculty of Medieval and Modern LanguagesFull time21 months
Modern LanguagesMStFaculty of Medieval and Modern LanguagesFull time9 months
Modern Middle Eastern StudiesMPhilFaculty of Oriental StudiesFull time21 months
Modern Middle Eastern StudiesMScOxford School of Global and Area Studies, Faculty of Oriental StudiesFull time1 year
Modern South Asian StudiesMPhilOxford School of Global and Area Studies, Faculty of Oriental StudiesFull time21 months
Modern South Asian StudiesMScOxford School of Global and Area Studies, Faculty of Oriental StudiesFull time1 year
Modern Statistics and Statistical Machine LearningEPSRC CDTDepartment of StatisticsFull time4 years
Modern Statistics and Statistical Machine LearningEPSRC CDTDepartment of StatisticsPart time8 years
Molecular and Cellular MedicineDPhilNuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal SciencesFull time3-4 years
Molecular and Cellular MedicineMSc (Res)Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal SciencesFull time1-3 years
Molecular Cell Biology in Health and DiseaseDPhilSir William Dunn School of PathologyFull time3-4 years
Musculoskeletal SciencesDPhilNuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal SciencesFull time3-4 years
Musculoskeletal SciencesMScNuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal SciencesPart time2 years
Musculoskeletal SciencesMSc (Res)Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal SciencesFull time1-3 years
MusicDPhilFaculty of MusicFull time3-4 years
MusicDPhilFaculty of MusicPart time7-8 years
Music (Composition)MPhilFaculty of MusicFull time21 months
Music (Composition)MStFaculty of MusicFull time9 months
Music (Musicology)MPhilFaculty of MusicFull time21 months
Music (Musicology)MStFaculty of MusicFull time9 months
Music (Performance)MPhilFaculty of MusicFull time21 months
Music (Performance)MStFaculty of MusicFull time9 months
NanotechnologyPGCertDepartment for Continuing EducationPart time9 months
Nanotechnology for Medicine and Health CareMScDepartment for Continuing Education, Department of Engineering SciencePart time2-4 years
Nature, Society and Environmental GovernanceMPhilSchool of Geography and the EnvironmentFull time2 years
Nature, Society and Environmental GovernanceMScSchool of Geography and the EnvironmentFull time1 year
Neurosciencecombined MSc and DPhilMedical Sciences Doctoral Training Centre, Oxford NeuroscienceFull time4 years
NeuroscienceMScOxford NeuroscienceFull time1 year
OncologyDPhilDepartment of OncologyFull time3-4 years
OncologyMSc (Res)Department of OncologyFull time1-3 years
Organic ChemistryDPhilDepartment of ChemistryFull time3-4 years
Organic ChemistryMSc (Res)Department of ChemistryFull time2-3 years
Organisational LeadershipPGDipSaïd Business SchoolPart time1 year
Oriental StudiesDPhilFaculty of Oriental StudiesFull time3-4 years
Oriental StudiesMStFaculty of Oriental StudiesFull time9 months
Paediatric Infectious DiseasesMScDepartment for Continuing Education, Department of PaediatricsPart time1 year
Paediatric Infectious DiseasesPGDipDepartment for Continuing Education, Department of PaediatricsPart time2 years
PaediatricsDPhilDepartment of PaediatricsFull time3-4 years
Particle PhysicsDPhilDepartment of PhysicsFull time3-4 years
Patient SafetyPGCertDepartment for Continuing Education, Nuffield Department of Surgical SciencesPart time1-2 years
PGCEPGCertDepartment of EducationFull time1 year
PharmacologyDPhilDepartment of PharmacologyFull time3-4 years
PharmacologyMScDepartment of PharmacologyFull time1 year
PharmacologyMSc (Res)Department of PharmacologyFull time1-3 years
Philosophical TheologyMPhilFaculty of Theology and ReligionFull time21 months
Philosophical TheologyMStFaculty of Theology and ReligionFull time9 months
PhilosophyDPhilFaculty of PhilosophyFull time3-4 years
PhilosophyBPhilFaculty of PhilosophyFull time21 months
Philosophy of PhysicsMStFaculty of PhilosophyFull time9 months
Physical and Theoretical ChemistryDPhilDepartment of ChemistryFull time3-4 years
Physical and Theoretical ChemistryMSc (Res)Department of ChemistryFull time2-3 years
Physiology, Anatomy and GeneticsDPhilDepartment of Physiology, Anatomy and GeneticsFull time3-4 years
Physiology, Anatomy and GeneticsMSc (Res)Department of Physiology, Anatomy and GeneticsFull time1-3 years
Plant SciencesDPhilDepartment of Plant SciencesFull time3-4 years
Political Theory ResearchMScDepartment of Politics and International RelationsFull time1 year
PoliticsDPhilDepartment of Politics and International RelationsFull time3-4 years
PoliticsDPhilDepartment of Politics and International RelationsPart time6-8 years
Politics (Comparative Government)MPhilDepartment of Politics and International RelationsFull time21 months
Politics (European Politics and Society)MPhilDepartment of Politics and International RelationsFull time21 months
Politics (Political Theory)MPhilDepartment of Politics and International RelationsFull time21 months
Politics ResearchMScDepartment of Politics and International RelationsFull time1 year
Population HealthDPhilNuffield Department of Population HealthFull time3-4 years
Population HealthDPhilNuffield Department of Population HealthPart time6-8 years
Practical EthicsMStDepartment for Continuing Education, Faculty of PhilosophyPart time2-3 years
Precision Cancer MedicineMScDepartment of OncologyPart time2 years
Primary Health CareDPhilNuffield Department of Primary Care Health SciencesFull time3-4 years
Primary Health CareDPhilNuffield Department of Primary Care Health SciencesPart time6-8 years
PsychiatryDPhilDepartment of PsychiatryFull time3-4 years
PsychiatryDPhilDepartment of PsychiatryPart time6-8 years
PsychiatryMSc (Res)Department of PsychiatryFull time1-3 years
PsychiatryMSc (Res)Department of PsychiatryPart time2-6 years
Psychodynamic CounsellingPGCertDepartment for Continuing EducationPart time9 months
Psychodynamic PracticeMStDepartment for Continuing EducationPart time1 year
Psychodynamic PracticePGDipDepartment for Continuing EducationPart time21 months
Psychological ResearchMScDepartment of Experimental PsychologyFull time1 year
Public PolicyDPhilBlavatnik School of GovernmentFull time3 years
Public PolicyDPhilBlavatnik School of GovernmentPart time6-8 years
Public PolicyMPPBlavatnik School of GovernmentFull time1 year
Qualitative Health Research MethodsPGCertDepartment for Continuing Education, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health SciencesPart time1-2 years
Radiation BiologyMScDepartment of OncologyFull time1 year
Radiation Oncologycombined MSc and DPhilDepartment of OncologyFull time4 years
Refugee and Forced Migration StudiesMScDepartment of International DevelopmentFull time9 months
Russian and East European StudiesMPhilOxford School of Global and Area StudiesFull time21 months
Russian and East European StudiesMScOxford School of Global and Area StudiesFull time9 months
Slavonic StudiesMPhilFaculty of Medieval and Modern LanguagesFull time21 months
Slavonic StudiesMStFaculty of Medieval and Modern LanguagesFull time9 months
Sleep MedicineMScNuffield Department of Clinical NeurosciencesPart time2 years
Sleep MedicinePGDipNuffield Department of Clinical NeurosciencesPart time2 years
Social AnthropologyMPhilSchool of Anthropology and Museum EthnographyFull time21 months
Social AnthropologyMScSchool of Anthropology and Museum EthnographyFull time1 year
Social Data Sciencecombined MSc and DPhilOxford Internet InstituteFull time10 months + 3-4 years
Social Data Sciencecombined MSc and DPhilOxford Internet InstitutePart timeMixed 10 months + 6-8 years
Social Data ScienceDPhilOxford Internet InstituteFull time3-4 years
Social Data ScienceDPhilOxford Internet InstitutePart time6-8 years
Social Data ScienceMScOxford Internet InstituteFull time10 months
Social Intervention and Policy EvaluationDPhilDepartment of Social Policy and InterventionFull time3-4 years
Social Intervention and Policy EvaluationDPhilDepartment of Social Policy and InterventionPart time6-8 years
Social PolicyDPhilDepartment of Social Policy and InterventionFull time3-4 years
Social PolicyDPhilDepartment of Social Policy and InterventionPart time6-8 years
Social Science of the InternetMScOxford Internet InstituteFull time10 months
Social Science of the InternetMScOxford Internet InstitutePart time22 months
Social Science of the Internet + Information, Communication and the Social Sciencescombined MSc and DPhilOxford Internet InstituteFull time10 months + 3-4 years
Socio-Legal ResearchMPhilFaculty of Law, Centre for Socio-Legal StudiesFull time1 year
Socio-Legal StudiesDPhilFaculty of Law, Centre for Socio-Legal StudiesFull time3-4 years
Socio-Legal StudiesDPhilFaculty of Law, Centre for Socio-Legal StudiesPart time6-8 years
SociologyDPhilDepartment of SociologyFull time3-4 years
SociologyDPhilDepartment of SociologyPart time6-8 years
SociologyMScDepartment of SociologyFull time1 year
SociologyMScDepartment of SociologyPart time2 years
Sociology and DemographyMPhilDepartment of SociologyFull time21 months
Software and Systems SecurityMScDepartment of Computer SciencePart time2-4 years
Software EngineeringMScDepartment of Computer SciencePart time2-4 years
Statistical ScienceMScDepartment of StatisticsFull time1 year
Statistical SciencePGDipDepartment of StatisticsFull time9 months
StatisticsDPhilDepartment of StatisticsFull time3-4 years
StatisticsMSc (Res)Department of StatisticsFull time2-3 years
Strategy and InnovationPGDipSaïd Business SchoolPart time1 year
Study of ReligionsMStFaculty of Theology and ReligionFull time9 months
Surgical Science and PracticeMScDepartment for Continuing Education, Nuffield Department of Surgical SciencesPart time2-4 years
Surgical SciencesDPhilNuffield Department of Surgical SciencesFull time3-4 years
Surgical SciencesMSc (Res)Nuffield Department of Surgical SciencesFull time1-3 years
Sustainable Approaches to Biomedical Science: Responsible and Reproducible ResearchEPSRC CDTMPLS Doctoral Training CentreFull time4 years
Sustainable Urban DevelopmentDPhilDepartment for Continuing EducationPart time4-8 years
Sustainable Urban DevelopmentMScDepartment for Continuing EducationPart time2 years
Synthesis for Biology and MedicineCDTDepartment of ChemistryFull time4 years
Syriac StudiesMStFaculty of Oriental StudiesFull time9 months
TaxationMScFaculty of LawPart time2 years
Teacher EducationMScDepartment of EducationPart time2 years
Teaching and Learning in Higher EducationPGCertCentre for Teaching and LearningPart time1 year
Teaching Evidence-Based Health CarePGCertDepartment for Continuing Education, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health SciencesPart time1-2 years
TheologyBThFaculty of Theology and ReligionFull timeContact department
TheologyBThFaculty of Theology and ReligionPart timeContact department
TheologyMPhilFaculty of Theology and ReligionFull time21 months
TheologyMStFaculty of Theology and ReligionFull time9 months
Theology and ReligionDPhilFaculty of Theology and ReligionFull time3 years
Theology and ReligionDPhilFaculty of Theology and ReligionPart time6 years
Theology and ReligionPGDipFaculty of Theology and ReligionFull time9 months
Theology and ReligionPGDipFaculty of Theology and ReligionPart time21 months
Theoretical and Computational ChemistryMScDepartment of ChemistryFull time10 months
Theoretical PhysicsDPhilDepartment of PhysicsFull time3-4 years
Tibetan and Himalayan StudiesMPhilFaculty of Oriental StudiesFull time21 months
Traditional ChinaMStFaculty of Oriental StudiesFull time9 months
Traditional East AsiaMPhilFaculty of Oriental StudiesFull time21 months
Translational Health SciencesMScDepartment for Continuing Education, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health SciencesPart time2-4 years
Visual, Material and Museum AnthropologyMPhilSchool of Anthropology and Museum EthnographyFull time21 months
Visual, Material and Museum AnthropologyMScSchool of Anthropology and Museum EthnographyFull time1 year
Water Science, Policy and ManagementMPhilSchool of Geography and the EnvironmentFull time2 years
Water Science, Policy and ManagementMScSchool of Geography and the EnvironmentFull time1 year
Wind and Marine Energy Systems and Structures (DEng)EPSRC CDTDepartment of Engineering ScienceFull time4 years
Wind and Marine Energy Systems and Structures (DPhil)EPSRC CDTDepartment of Engineering ScienceFull time4 years
Women's and Reproductive HealthDPhilNuffield Department of Women's and Reproductive HealthFull time3-4 years
Women's and Reproductive HealthMSc (Res)Nuffield Department of Women's and Reproductive HealthFull time1-3 years
Women's StudiesMStHumanities Interdisciplinary Courses, Women's StudiesFull time9 months
World Literatures in EnglishMStFaculty of English Language and LiteratureFull time9 months
Yiddish StudiesMStFaculty of Medieval and Modern LanguagesFull time9 months
ZoologyDPhilDepartment of ZoologyFull time3-4 years

5. 박사학위 약칭[편집]

옥스퍼드 대학교에서는 '박사학위'의 약칭을 D.Phil.(디필)이라고 표기한다. 이는 'Ph.D.'라는 표기와 똑같은 의미이다. 옥스퍼드 대학교 측의 설명에 따르면, 'PhD'라는 약칭은 라틴어 'philosophiae doctor'에서 따온 것이고, 'DPhil'이라는 약칭은 영어 'Doctor of Philosophy'에서 따온 것이다. 잉글랜드 지역 대학들이 박사학위를 도입할 때 처음에는 영어식 약칭인 DPhil을 사용하기 시작하다가 미국과 다른 유럽 국가 등 전 세계 다수의 추세에 맞추어 라틴어식 약칭인 PhD로 표기하는 것으로 바꾸었다. 그러나 옥스퍼드 대학교는 초기 표현 그대로 DPhil이라는 영어식 줄임말을 계속 사용하고 있는 것이다.
(출처 : https://medium.com/my-oxford/what-is-a-dphil-d4303e9e21f6)

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