
덤프버전 :

SCP-7001-McInnis: Y'ello?

에릭슨 박사: Is this Director Moose?

SCP-7001-McInnis: Yep, speaking.

에릭슨 박사: This is Alexander Erickson of Exclusionary Site-21. I'm hoping you received my message yesterday. I never got a response.

SCP-7001-McInnis: Mmm.

에릭슨 박사: I understand this is somewhat inconvenient, Director Moose. It's a quick check-up on your Site to make sure everything is where it should be.

SCP-7001-McInnis: Uh-huh. What happened exactly? My answering machine clears itself out every 12 hours — having all those messages piling up gives me anxiety.

에릭슨: Yeah, you uh… probably shouldn't do that, Director Moose, but that's a conversation for another time, I guess. What happened was that there was a minor reality-altering event. Nothing to be worried about—

SCP-7001-McInnis: How very worried I am.

에릭슨: Reality-altering events can be dangerous.

SCP-7001-McInnis: Very dangerous those "reality-altering events" — would never wanna be caught in one of those. No siree.

에릭슨: I— Hm. Can you just let me do what I need to do and we can go on our way? Quick check-up and we're good.

(Line is silent.)

에릭슨: Great. By our last estimates, Site-19 is housing four hundred and thirty-two different anomalous entities or objects. Correct?

SCP-7001-McInnis: Yep, counted them myself this morning.

(Papers shuffling.)

에릭슨: I got the… ah here. I got the signatures from everyone stationed at Site-19 last night. Everyone is accounted for, so that is good.

SCP-7001-McInnis: Cool. That all?

에릭슨: Well, Director Moose, no… and this is why this call was rather important. We noticed a number of discrepancies in your anomaly checklist.

SCP-7001-McInnis: Oh… that's odd.

에릭슨: You seem to be listing incorrect anomalies and missing ones that should definitely be on there.

SCP-7001-McInnis: Here's the thing, Alex. Those went through like five different levels of command, including myself. If something was missing we'd know.

에릭슨: Not saying I don't believe you, but, these are pretty obvious ones to be missing. SCP-173 isn't on here of all of these. I'd think you'd remember at least that one, given it's the anomaly your Site built the Euclid wing for.

SCP-7001-McInnis: We don't have 173. I'm pretty sure that's at another Site. Maybe you have something wrong over there. I'm not a fan of incompetence, Alex.

에릭슨: You know what I'm talking about, right?

(No response.)

Erickson: You know, the statue you have to keep watching… or else it moves. Is everything alright over there?

SCP-7001-McInnis: We don't have an SCP-173, and we don't have a statue. I sent the right list, damn it.

Erickson: No, you didn't. You're missing that one, and at least twenty other anomalies that Site-19 takes care of. Like, come on, the 173 file clearly states, "Moved to Site-19 in 1993." Nothing on this paper says it was moved to another Site, nothing here has been updated since 1994. So either you lost an anomaly, it doesn't exist anymore, or you're being purposefully difficult.

SCP-7001-McInnis: I told you, I counted this morning and there's no godforsaken statue here. There's only fifty anomalies over here, goddamn it! I think I would have seen it if we had it.

Erickson: Wait.

SCP-7001-McInnis: What?

Erickson: Did you say you have only fifty anomalies?

(Line is silent for five seconds.)

Erickson: Hello?

(Line is silent for thirteen seconds.)

Erickson: Can you hear me?

McInnis: Huh? (Moan.) What is going on?

Erickson: Hello? Director?

McInnis: …how long have we been on this call?

Erickson: Excuse me? Is this Allan McInnis? What are you doing at 19?

McInnis: Y-yes. Yes. I'm here. I'm back.

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1=7000, 1e=The Loser, 1k=안될 놈,
2=7001, 2e=Site-19, 2k=제 19기지,
3=7002, 3e=The hungry season, 3k=배고픈 계절)]
파일:SCP 재단 로고.svgSCP 재단
별명제 19기지 (Site-19)
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