My Last Stand

덤프버전 :

1. 개요
2. 가사
3. 용례
4. 여담

1. 개요[편집]

풀 버전

철권 8의 테마곡.

2. 가사[편집]

Our time is now!

I feel my energy
That voice is telling me
to take the step
And not back down now

Today and nevermore
I can't take this anymore
I'll make my choice
for good or evil

In times of conflict and destruction

Our destiny is my connection now
I feel it in my soul
it's beyond the reach of
most mere mortals

Take a step

So remember
No surrender
My defining moment

I will stand up
Overcome my past
This indifference to the end
If it takes forever
No surrender
Now or never
My last stand

3. 용례[편집]

철권 8 오프닝에도 쓰였고, 카자마 진 VS 미시마 카즈야의 최종 결전에도 쓰였다.

4. 여담[편집]

철권 7Heat Haze Shadow[1]와 대조적이다.

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[1] 무너져가는 악질과도 비슷하다.